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perina mcginnissaidLET IT BE KNOWN THAT THIS IS THE ONLY INSTANCE OF BOWEL ISSUES WITH PERINA'S SHAKES! THERE'S BEEN MANY OTHER SATISFIED CUSTOMERS! (poor kid rofl) ======================================================= [20:13] Blake slams his hand on the counter looking at the woman behind it. He had hoped it wouldn't get to this. Day after day sitting on the pot grunting and groaning hoping for relief all for not. "Ok I need one of your diarrhea shakes. Make it chocolate hopefully that will mask the the chalky taste" Ahh what a happy customer wouldn't you just love to pinch his cheeks. [20:21] Perina McGinnis smiled a bit as the boy came in until his face became clearer. Well, speak of the devil: it was the little one who was telling people lies about her wonderful, life-changing milkshakes. Her arms folded over her stained apron as she forced a smile. She'd still be nice and all customer-servicey.. she's a professional. "I cannot help that your body can't handle dairy," she starts off.. really not knowing if it was dairy, "But I will certainly, most certainly, provide you with another opportunity to let yourself be cleansed in its power," she continues, turning back towards the machine and putting a cup into place. She starts it up, swirling slowly once.. then twice... holding it steadily and pulling on the lever she believed to be chocolate, letting it mix and mold into what was already making her famous from the beach to the college. She then returns back to the boy, placing a cap firmly onto the cup, letting it latch on their like a vice and handing him a straw. "Tell ya what.. this one's on the house," she says, having overcharged the last girl anyway. [20:27] Blake nods then a quiet "thank you" Of course the boy knows his manners and once in a while he chose to use them. Taking a tentative sip he nods making sure to educate the woman. "I drink milk all the time and I eat butter. Real butter cuz at daddies house he can afford the good stuff and nothing makes me poop like your..." Was that the first growl of his tummy. *POP* the first loud fart comes out and biting the bullet Blake will take a huge sip then another. Eventually a big dent in the shakes will be made. *PPPfffft* ut ohh that one was wet and he was wearing his favorite legion of doom underoos, "Where is your toilet. QUICK" a panicked cry. After today the boy would eat all of his bran flakes honest but for now he just had to get rid of 4 days of backed up poop. [20:33] Perina McGinnis blinks and crinkles her face as she starts... to smell.. "Oh God.." she says, a hand covering her nose as she reaches around the counter to hopefully grasp at the boy's hand, leading him if she can out towards the alley where she knew there was at least a pile of garbage bags with parts of whatever was in the meat. Like the smell of whatever he was about to do would make a difference. She manages to grab a bunch of paper towels, a whole roll infact on her way out there. [20:38] Blake knows that every establishment in the great state of Louisiana is supposed to have a public shitter for its customers and tomorrow if he survived this he would surely report the Gein having this criminalism halted in its tracks. But for now the boy needed relief. When does he need it: NOW. Where is he gonna do it: Here. So getting to the back of the alley the boy doesn't wait to drop his pants and his dirty drawers squatting his ass against a wall. *Pffffffft .... Pthhthhhth ... Ploth* large sounds were coming from his small ass along with green and brown watery torrent of filth. "Jesus,... Please let me live thru this and I swear I will be a good boy and never ever hang my sisters barbies again. Just please help me" He prays out loud as his stomach twists inside out. [20:44] Perina McGinnis simply throw the roll of paper towel at Blake, whipping off her apron to at least give the boy some dignity and create some sort of shield or curtain as he did his.. rather explosive business, making note that she'd have to have Pepe spray down the wall later. Her gaze is skyward, looking to the left.. the right.. letting the slightest bit air come in and out of her lips but not daring to open her nostrils. It wasn't quite the reputation she wanted for her shakes, but the amount he was letting out, he must've been stuffed up for awhile.. so once again, her shakes were magical. She can only join in his prayer that it wasn't making a river of feces towards her shoes as she stood there. [20:52] Blake completely voiding his bowels in a series of explosive wet farts. "I want my Daddy." eventually all of the shit would be expelled from his little twisted tummy and the boy would use the paper towels to try and clean himself up as well as possible. Being careful to not step on his own waste though his underoos were pretty much a write off. "Thanks, umm you should put a warning on those shakes" and slowly he pulls his undies then pants on his chaffed ass cheeks. Having finished with the roll the boy will try and pass it back to Perina. [21:01] Perina McGinnis continues holding the apron, feeling a wave of pity for the poor child as he was fully clensed by the supremacy of her milkshake. "Uhh-m, do you want me to call him?" she asks, still trying her very hardest not to let any of the smell enter her nose, catching the tiniest of wiffs and gagging just a little, but not letting him see. "I can't help it that your body craves the milkshake so much that it shoots it straight out your ass the moment it enters your mouth! It.. " she stops, trying ot hold back a bit more. She wraps her apron now, side stepping away from the mess, taking the paper towel and just kinda dropping it, hoping the Bounty absorption would just take it all away. [21:03] Blake now completely drained will just nod his head and quietly whisper, "Yea call my daddy" If he was allowed to re-enter the establishment the boy would curl up in the corner going fetal. Never had he felt so bad he was certain and in a smelly moaning ball the little boy would simply be pathetic. [21:07] Merci Teardrop continues her adventure in butt sniffing as she moved alone adult to adult before she'd find herself behind the counter, sniffing bits of burnt meat on the ground, she was determined to find the poopie and clean it up. It was not nice to leave such horrid things laying around the town. "Excuse me please, everyone will you please check your shoes? I think someone stepped in something on their way in..." she didn't like interrupting people but this 'duty' was important. She'd stop to stare at the small boy and then to the lady in the apron. "Is he otay missy?" she took it upon her sweet little self to crouch next to the boy and smile, he didn't look well so she'd reach into her pocket and pull out a small blue and yellow friendship braclet. "I mades this at camp! You can have it. I'm Merci..whats your name?" she was quiet possibly the sweetest and most angelic child in this hell hole city. [21:13] Perina McGinnis moves aside to let him dip back inside, calling out to the other patrons, "Be with y'all soon!" giving a resigned shrug and reaching for her cellphone, dialing the number she npc's having gotten at some point, waiting for an answer. She looks down to the little girl who approached, arching back some as something gets stuff in her pocket, "Oh, he'll be okay, he's just had an experience in purification that... well, was a bit more painful than he anticipated," she says with a look of pity, adding, "Nice to meet you, Merci, I'm Perina! Give me a moment, and I'll make you a milkshake how's that sound?" she suggests, already moving onto the next life to change. [21:14] Blake 's pale and green face would rest on the cold dirty tiles not caring about Suzy Sunshine or anyone trying to be friends with him. Aftershocks of wet and wild farts bursting from his ass. When Perina starts talking about making more of her death shakes he lifts his head "NOOOOO" then lets his head fall back to the dirty dirty floor. [21:16] Merci Teardrop looked to Perina with a big happy smile, she LOVED to meet new people. "My aunty owns this place, ya know. I live in her crazy house and play in the rubber room." she'd nod as if it would make any sense to anyone but her, a startled jump when the boy yelled she'd just look away, trying not to disturb him now that he was not showing much of an interest in her sweet gesture. Yea well FUCK YOU TOO BLAKEY! But no she'd never think such awful things, she would give him another try when he was feeling better. [21:23] Perina McGinnis waves down to Blake, her sympathy for the kid starting to fade some, "Shush! You're talking over your father," she lies, still waiting for him to pick up, and definitely not breathing out of her nose at all. She hears the voice from the alley and just points towards the Clam as she starts to kneel towards the poor, poor boy, "It's down beyond the graveyard," she says, closing her phone, her voice going towards the boy now, "Alrighty, lets get you to the comic shop, daddy's not answering right now.." pulling off her apron to wrap around him cause, dang.. he was stanky. [21:26] Blake is pulled into an apron almost at the praying for death at this point. Now sadly his upper stomach was starting to lurch but he couldn't or wouldn't fight the woman. She was the grown up and he was a good boy. A VERY GOOD BOY. [21:27] Merci Teardrop tilted her head to watch the woman take the boy away and she'd lose interest and go find someone else to bug! [21:28] Perina McGinnis gets Blake all snuggled tight like a widdle babeh in her arms.. just praying now that his poopy didn't seep through the stained apron, and carrying him towards the comic shop. [21:29] Lissa Strom smiled now as she felt his teeth against her ear, shivering at the touch, the small tremors a bit harsher this time with the drugs in her system. When his grip tightened and pressed her against him, she tried to whirl around to see what the attacker was this time. She hadn't seen the last few and she was tired of being snuck up on. The few scattered arcade games were ringing in here ears, the lights almost too bright, enough that she raised her eyes to shield them. "Where is it?!" She shouted in a panicked voice. [21:37] Max Mactavish jumps at the shouting, his grip tightening as she squirms around to face the other way, holding her against him by her stomach with all his strength, the LSD in his system making it considerably less than usual. Trying to keep as calm as he could, the dose he got much less than Lissa's "Shh, Its gone, but I think we should stay quiet in case it comes back" glancing over to the door he doesn't really recognize either of the people in the doorway. [21:37] Perina McGinnis hurries over with the boy in her arms, wrapped tightly in the apron that at this point was the last shield between herself and the kids poopy trousers. She starts to lower him towards the ground, her knees bending as she set him, still wrapped for now, looking up at the two and their supposed screaming, "Uhh hey.. got a sick kid here.." she says, normally more articulate, but it had been quite traumatic for the two of them. And somewhat a bonding thing, too. Over diarrhea. [21:43] Blake the stinking wet farting boy will just hang limply over Perina's shoulder. The jostling motion disturbing his overly delicate abused tummy and as the movement finally stops he lets loose with a mighty wet one followed by a spew of bile. "Daddy help me" he cries possible the sickest boy in the history of sick boys. If Perina sets him down he will try and crawl away from his vomit and lay his head on the ground. [21:44] Lissa Strom let out a slow breath as she was pulled back again, eyes finally falling on the cut out in the corner as the greens narrowed. Her breathing was a bit quicker given all the stages of panic she'd been put through since Devyn gave her the flask and drugged her against her knowledge. She nodded her head slowly at his words, biting down on the inside of her cheek to keep from saying anything else. Her eyes turned in the direction of the voice at the door, hearing the woman say something about a sick kid, and then the voice calling for his father's help. Oh god...the birds were attacking children now! A soft sound of fear left her before she clamped a hand over her mouth to stop anymore sound from escaping her. [21:53] Max Mactavish keeps his hands wrapped around Lissa, blinking a few times and faintly recognizing Blake, looking back to Perina and almost barking at her, "Well take him to the hospital!, This is a Fortress against the birds, not a place of healing you fool!" he sniffs in and whispers in Lissa's ear "We need gas masks, they've resorted to biological warfare I think" looking at the boy then his eyes widen "Hes infected! Get him to a hospital!" [21:56] Perina McGinnis's efforts to stop breathing altogether were no match for what was pouring out of this kid now, her eyes darting down and then quickly back up towards the ceiling, as if God was the only one who could help her now, his vomit definitely felt and smelt. "Holy shit, Blake!" she squeals, holding somewhat onto him still only because she had a shred of decency in her and he was a child.. but DEAR LORD.. it was all she could do to continue to blame everything but her milkshake. There was just no way.. she needed her legacy, her public adoration, her parade.. and really, this was the only case gone horribly, horribly wrong. She looks up at the two, completely exasperating and wondering what the hell these two were on, seemingly such caring parents from afar, but damn.. the kid's got it coming out both ends and she's the one to take him to the hospital? "But..wha... I just got him over here!" she huffs out, her head looking back towards the hospital, frowning in a near crying state from being covered in whatever the kid ate.. besides her still totally awesome shake. [21:59] Blake simply lies in a puddle of painful smelly desperation and with his face on the cool boards finds enough relief to fall asleep. [Night everyone] [22:02] Lissa Strom kept her hand pressed over her mouth as Max spoke again. She agreed with everything Max was saying. There was nothing here she could do for or offer the bird and she was sure the hospital was full of bird related accidents by know and would be better equipped to handle it. Still held against Max and listening to what he said, she only raised a hand to point in the direction of the hospital. Yeah, when she found out about this tomorrow she would fell like shit. But right now, she just didn't want the birds or wookie to kill them. [22:15] Max Mactavish nods to her, a very demanding tone as he yells, sort of freaked out "Yeah?!?! Now just take him to the hospital!" He has similar thoughts on this as Lissa did, he didn't want the birds to get in, something he now believed fully right now, and this woman was threatening to let them in, as Blake NPCly goes to the hospital, Max lets go of Lissa and shuts the door, "There's not enough room in this safe house, run while you can!" he yells to Perina through the window. Locking the door he bends over and rests his arms on the bar, abit dizzy as he shuts his eyes for a moment. [22:18] Perina McGinnis blinked a moment and then deeply sighed, coughing as she just HAD to drawn in more breath right near the vomit and the.. yeah. God, did these two ever owe her now, whether they'd remember it or not! She'd remind them! Picking up the boy back in her arms, she runs like a banshee as best as she can towards the hospital where those two could pick him up later. |
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