
Home Forums Introductions barbara

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Australian born, good at school straight A's. never had a boyfriend

Barbara was born in australia an lived in meblourne till she around 16 when her family packed up and moved to the states where she lived happily with her family for two years then something tragic happened about middight one saturday even the phone rang a police officer was on the other end of the phone an shortly after they were at house, some drunk driver on the werong side of the road they said.l. suddenly her life was ina whirl wind an aunt she barly knew came to stay for a while all she could so was watch as the house an her parents effects were sold off an then in turn to take to her aunties place on a farm ohio...

as a result grades droped at school an she became a loner totally lost and her world in dissarray got a job in a little dinner out on the highway worked there for a couple of years then one day with warning or notice to any one shoved a few outfits into a backpack and left for work as usual expect she didnt go to work she caught the bus and jump off at Hathiam with nothing but a small amount of cash and some changes of cloths.

not very street wise and naive about cities such as this arriving a few days ago has lived on the streets, watched a stabbing through a gape ina fence, an when low on cash attempeted to pick a pocket only thing was she didnt count on the chain it was attached to all in all she got of lucky and even some bills and is looking for new adeventures in the citys and maybe make some friends and find something to do with her life

height approx 5ft2 meduim build normally a burnette but currently dyed plum green eyes age 20

currently wondering around homeless

October 13, 2010 at 2:27 am
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