Azwe; PharmD.

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The Character

Azwethinkweiz (pronouced as we think we is, commonly called Az or Azwe) has been around a while. When you were learning to shoot, he was on his second tour of duty. When you got hired, he was running the company. Most importantly, though, when you needed help he was right there next to you.

Age: unknown
Marital Status: Single
Ethnicity: Spanish-American
Affiliation/Organization: none.
Occupation: Scientist
Credentials: Holds a PharmD in Organic Biochemistry. Extensive knowledge of Biology and Human Anatomy. Veteran of the Siege Guild Wars.
Enjoys: History, Literature, Science of all sorts, world foods. is partial to imported Cuban Cigarellos.
Dislikes: Mathematics, the concept of california rolls.

Goals in CD: To open an AzTEK Labs drugstore in CD, and offer employment (rp) opportunities to the community as well as competitive retail pharmacy services.

Behind The Screen


When I started SL I thought the whole grid was a roleplay. Right away I
strived to incorporate my RL degree (I was just graduating Pharmacy school) into SL. I've been RPing realistic science and medicine, in one degree or another, in SL ever since. I have 10 years of roleplay experience and have previously been involved on an adminstrative level in a number of modestly successful RP Sims.

My roleplays, by proxy, are realistic. Firstly, People don't walk up to eachother and know your name because they read a title. Secondly, Everyone has to lose sometimes, its part of the game. Theres also such a thing as sore winners. Lastly, and my biggest petpeeve of SL RP is non-concensual telepathy - When you respond to someone Emotive Thought. and use that information falsely.

I.E. Azwe: Thinks the killer is hiding in the closet, in the motel across town, in room 3A. He knows this because the killer is a former friend, but azwe is empathetic and doesn't say anything.
Policeman standing next to azwe when typed that Emote: Lets check the motel across town boys, room 3A, the closet.

July 6, 2008 at 6:44 am
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