Asher Vostok

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of asher Anonymous 15 years, 11 months ago.

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Profile photo of asher



Asher was born in the New York City to a fairly conservatively Catholic but reasonably loving middle class family on November 5th 1986. The family made due and lived with some comfort with a double income, his father Anton Vostok working as an Accountant at La Rocheford & Associés and his mother Marie Vostok working as a secretary at the same company. That is actually how they met all those years ago. They both needed to work to keep the apartment and to provide for the families well being. As his father always said, lovingly of course, that it was at least two full time jobs to feed that wild pack of feral boys they had living with them.

Asher was the middle child in a good catholic family that thanks to the church's stance on birth control found itself with a total of five children (Alain, Roland, Asher, Louis, and Philippe). His childhood wasn't terrible by any means but he was definitely a bit of the outcast and fit the forgotten middle child stereotype in more then one way. While that in itself is not traumatic it definitely managed to leave it's mark on Asher growing up and still shows up in his personality dealing with other people and getting attention. That is to say it had a definite impact on his future relationships and may have contributed to his lifestyle choices and his now extroverted nature. As for love, other then the love for his family he never fell in love during his adolescence. He just never seemed to find the right grove or vibe and click with any of the girls during his early teenage years. Despite his forgotten status at home and then eventually his date free life in his early teens he did have a natural knack for getting people to like him due to his quite non wavery presence that just seemed to help.

Asher managed to make it through nearly all of his primary education doing fairly well in grammar school and then the equivalent of high school. Nearly is really the catch here because when Asher finally figured out why he wasn't interested in dating the girls in his classes was about the time everything fell apart. He ended up leaving both home and school when his parents found out that he was gay and made his life hell. He probably made a mistake coming out of the closet to them but there really wasn't much of a choice. In a small space with that many siblings and his parents, ending up making out with a study partner was a recipe for discovery. They made his life hell due to the fact they were positive he was going to end up in hell acting against God like that and he might somehow corrupt his brothers if he stayed in the family home. So he dropped out of school and ran away from home at the age of 15, which lead him to meet a guy named Leon who helped him find a place to stay and who opened up the world of the teen gang. The skulls. This was a place where he wouldn't get beat up for what he was...expect by those who cared about him, but they protected him from others and that was the main point. He had found a place he could relate to even as skewed as the vision was. He ended up using his natural talents with his quite charisma and that ability to not offend people to really excel at this line of work. He was always put on small jobs that the higher ups just didn't have time for; beating other kids up to rob them or rolling a convience store. Nothing major but this was the only job he had any experience with. He also met Lex here; he had passed through and set up shop with Asher's young gang and had almost immedately taken over with his paranoid and manipulating charisma and Asher had happened to make a good lap dog. By the time Asher was 17 he was fully immersed in this lifestyle and was wrapped around Lex's finger...but what that really hard to accomplish? It was just the nature of the dark haired kid.

On an early spring morning their safehouse was raided under the pretend of child labor laws and all that jazz. The gang fled, kids scrambling every where to attempt to get away from the Police. This one raid had caused the Skulls to disappear, the teens that weren't caught attempted to emerse themselved into other places or moved on. Asher was one that moved on, yet he still kept his contacts around the city. He grew into his early twenties; still doing an odd job here or there to keep enough cash in his pockets. And one day he heard about Lex again and some place named Hathian. A place where there was no true good, only a type of self serving good. So with nothing better to do at the time Asher packed his shit up and bussed it down to Louisana and searched out his old friend.

March 23, 2009 at 1:46 pm
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March 25, 2009 at 3:22 pm
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March 25, 2009 at 3:25 pm
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March 25, 2009 at 5:47 pm
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March 25, 2009 at 8:28 pm
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