Anyone looking for an IC mother?

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Profile photo of Lorelei Demonia



Hi all.
Kinda new to the CD chain, though I'm an experienced role-player - I'm interested in playing someone's relative - probably a mother figure, as I'm not around full-time, just dropping by here or there for some fun rp. I'm a CD citizen, a Crael citizen, and DE I can be anywhere you want me to be. I don't mind ageing up my role-play to be a mother figure, and to be honest I think the daughter roles are overdone, but I am open to taking that role too, if you are happy to integrate me into your storyline. Either way, send me an IM in world (Lorelei Demonia) and hopefully someone snags me up soon!

Thanks all! 🙂

April 5, 2014 at 10:26 pm
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