Anger Management, or so they think….Addy’s take on it all

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Profile photo of adelaide_halsey



Fuck this shit. This is damn bullshit. I am not going to write my personal shit for this bullcrap. Just because I got in a damn fight does not mean I have an anger issue. And even if I did, I sure as hell don't need anger management...I dont need shit. Since I am not going to write my personal stuff down for your nosey, snooty and self loving asshole self, enjoy my story about how I beat that bitch to a pulp...

I was just, heading to work the other day, no biggie, right? So..strolling down a street, dont know the name cause I dont really pay attention to crap like that...anywho...some crack whore comes up to me and says I should donate some cash to feed the starving children. Plain old bullshit....first of all, I have enough issues trying to feed myself,let alone some dumbass kids who cant afford the fucking value menu. GET A JOB YOU LAZY BUTTFUCKERS!!! I dont care if they are too young to work, shit they can learn how to sell drugs or something....I aint responsible for their stupid asses...

Anyways, back to my story...I laugh in her face...she says I am being selfish and should think of others, I say she is a damn bossy bitch who needs that rod taken out of her ass and she can feed the starving children with that...well, the bitch didnt like that too much so she mutters the word "trash" under her breath and thinks she can get away with it....hahahahahahahaha...well see...I -know- I am trash..the thing is, is that I dont really care for people callin me that, you know? So I fuckin jumped her, right there on the corner, fists were pounding, curses were flowing and her clipboard and donation box went flying. After I got her body on the ground I threw a few more punches at her head and shoulders before kicking her in the know, for good measure....Well since she was motionless, I decide to swipe the money, a whopping $26....geez, thanks...this will go to feed my starving ass..aka my new cig fund..not that it will last for long though....

The judge said I should feel lucky he didn't put me in jail for what I did, and that I belonged in this class, or whatever bullshit this is...fuck it...bullshit mumbo jumbo if you ask me.... I aint lucky...I just suck a good cock and thankfully Mister Judgey-poo was persuadable...

anyways..thats all your fucking getting for now, love it, hate it..I dont give a aint getting shit from me

March 1, 2010 at 11:14 pm
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March 4, 2010 at 6:04 am
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March 6, 2010 at 5:52 pm
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March 20, 2010 at 6:06 pm
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March 23, 2010 at 10:22 pm
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March 26, 2010 at 2:21 am
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July 30, 2011 at 2:37 pm
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