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This topic contains 35 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by Anonymous 15 years, 10 months ago.
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![]() Anonymoussaid((This happened in last night's fight night. Just keep reading. It gets real good toward the end pahahaha)) [22:13] Gypsy Queller looked the boy over as he stepped into the ring, not being able to help that smirk curl up her lips. There was no one to call this fight. She was the one that called the fights. She didn't hesitate as she suddenly rushed toward him, any and all agression she'd had piled inside from the entire week; Travis' inability to offer a proper proposal, losing her home and her car permit in the same day, Devyn's inability to pay her back the $10,000 Gypsy used on the company credit card to bail her ass out of jail- all of it- was released in a single punch she thrusted with force toward the kid's left temple as her left hand would have moved around to wrap around the back of his neck. She didn't catch his name. She didn't want it. He was nobody to her... [22:16] Fou Fleischhaker had to admit, he was NOT expecting that. Had he not been watching her as he stepped inside she would have caught him totally by suprise. As it was, he could do nothing more than move his head, a temple shot could put him out. The blow sent his head backwards, directly on the forehead, hopefully she hurt her hand in the process. but if thats how she wanted to play, he had angst too. The cops, his job, his life, Bubba...with his head back, a hand shot foward, attempting to grab at the girls own arm on the back of his neck, trying to hold her in place as he sent his head slamming foward again, trying to smash it down atop the girls nose as blood already ran in a rivet from his split forehead [22:18] Keri Watkin sits back down on the ground, she knew Gypsy could take the man, she'd seen the woman take on much bigger men in the past. The slightest glimmer of a grin plays across her face as she watches the blood spill from the man's forehead [22:22] Gypsy Queller's head sent flying backwards as she felt the forehead against her own, snapping a few vertebrae out of place in her neck. She released a low howl of laughter towards the ceiling, obnoxiously loud and full angst. This was how the psychotic woman dealt with pain, as bad as it hurt, feeling as though the pain was leaving her through the heavy laugh. A release. She felt her own blood run down her forehead as she slowly raised her head back into place to stare down at the kid. Her left arm still in place, she offered a tight grip around the back of his neck, her nails would have dug into his flesh as she did so to lower his top half with brute force into her right white-knuckled fist that was waiting below to slam just below his ribcage. [22:26] Fyrja Axel grins, the blond woman charging Butcha well for some reason seeing him get punched by a woman just made her laugh. She leans forward hands on her sore ribs intent on watching this. Her eyes widen when the woman begins to laugh. Looked like he'd met a match. Fy was no stranger to laughter, she'd done it a lot as a kid usually when her daddy left her mom passed out and bloody on the kitchen floor. She knew the reaction well. Oh this was gonna be interesting, she just hoped the woman left him able to work because she was in no physical shape to bounce people out of work on her own. [22:27] Fou Fleischhaker had to admit. He had been in his share of fights, but the girl had style. That laugh caused a rush of anger to flow through him, and then he saw the dirt. His upper body was dragged foward as she tried knocking the wind out of him. A sharp exhale came from his lungs as he did his best not to hold his rips. already cracked, lancing pain came into him. No, stay strong, prove your worth a damn. His hands lowered with his torso, he suddendly made both shoot out, attempting to grab the smaller woman by her knees. Using all his weight advantage over her, if he managed to grab her he would try to lift her upwards, and over his shoulders, his head attempting to lurch foward since it was so close to her stomach to act as a fulcrum [22:32] Gypsy Queller smirked to herself as she felt her fist connect with his sweating flesh, but was slightly caught off guard as his arms moved around the back of her knees. She had nowhere to go but up, and over his shoulder. Feeling his head rush for her stomach, she coughed out a rush of air as it was knocked out of her, but surprisingly, never lost the cigarette as she bit onto the butt in her lips as her teeth clenched shut. Was it still entact? Was it?! She breathed out a weary sigh of relief as she felt the smoke rush into her lungs. Good. Her cigarette was still worth keeping. As his head connected with her stomach, she forcefully threw her own weight backwards, mentally prepairing for the hit to the ground she knew was coming, but her arms still wrapped around his neck, she expected him to fall ontop of her. Had that been the case, she'd immediately wrap her legs around his torso to hold him in place as she'd pull his neck toward her, mouth opening to clench around his adam's apple with a tilt of the head. So much [22:37] Fou Fleischhaker did manage to get her to the ground, but something had gone horribly wrong. A rib, though not even close to the one she had punched, suddendly cracked. A sickening crunching sound as the flesh in his abs broke. "Graagh!" came out in a horrible yell, as he woul indeed finish his suplex, sending her face first into the dirt. However, though he had planned on ripping her grip from his head, instead both hands went to his side, as if trying to push the rib back into place. He knew he shouldn't have fought with a busted rib, but she had called him out. Blood poured from the wound as he lay on the ground. His only hope would be the blow to her face had knocked her out, as he was no longer in any shape to fight [22:41] Akina Taov raises an eyebrow when Butcha is on the ground. Damn it did she miss that much?!". She looks over to Fy and thne back to Butcha before she scoots around Ricardo. She leans in to Fy and then she frowns before asking in a whisper "What'd I miss...?" [22:42] Gypsy Queller could hear Oscar going wild on the sidelines, barking and getting excited. "Ugh-Oscar! NO!" she shouted toward her dog. She knew he'd listen. She'd trained him well. No need to have the dog come in and ruin the fight by ripping of the kid's arm. She made a mental note to feed Oscar again. He liked that sort of thing. Her thoughts were snapped back to the fight as she heard him cry out in pain. She arched an inquisitive brow as she cocked her head to the side. She knew she'd punched him in the ribs, but was it enough to hurt him that bad? Whatever. She now had the upper hand. She used those powerful thigh muscles with a quick twist of the hips to try and get the tables turned, flipping him onto his back. Had that been the case, she'd shimmie her legs out from under him, now straddling his lap. Making sure she was positioned, she'd lean up, eyes narrowing in on him once more. "Th' silent type, eh'? It's a'ight... I prefer th' sound o' yer' screams over small talk..." She snorted out a laugh at her own wit [22:43] Carpe Diem 's mouth curled into a devilish smirk as she watched Gypsy and the man with the giant mohawk exchange blows in the ring, her fingers glided down to to the gun, which lie tightly tucked in her belt. Her smirk would widen as she gave into the urge and began to tightly wrap her fingers around the rigid handle of Gypsy's gun. She would take a moment to eye her surrounding, making sure no one was paying attention to her; and with two people going at it in the ring, the coast looked clear. She took a few steps back in to the shadows as she slowly pulled the gun from her belt. She tightly gripped it with her right hand as she brought her left under the gun to steady her hold on it. She closed her left eye as she tiled her head to look over the top of the gun, her eye catching a the man by the stairs in her site. “pew pew,” she mumbled lightly as she pretend to fired the gun at the man, her hands jerking back to mock the motion of a recoil. “freeze fucker...pew pew pew” she mumbled, her hand again (c) [22:46] Keri Watkin goes wide eyed as the gunshot rings out, instinctively covering her head, "what the fuck" she growls, unsure of where the shot came from, finally looking up as soon as there are no more shots fired, her eyes darting around, before settling on Carpe [22:47] Fou Fleischhaker was in a world of pain. Every sense rang out with what should have been the need to pass out. He hit the floor with a thud, and suddendly found the woman atop him. shit, thi had gone from bad to worse damned quick. Knowing instantly that the fight was lost, he felt a dull thud in his head from the first fist. No, don't go down that easy, real men didn't go down that fucking easy, broken ribs or not. Knowing he was done, he decided to at least hurt the woman. He didn't cry out, biting his lip hard enough to make it bleed as nothing but pure unadulterated rage peered into his eyes as he threw a fist. Everything he had left into one punch, hoping to catch that yapping jaw of hers as she mocked him. Knock that fucking grin off her face was all he could tell himself as it turned into an exchange of blows he knew he was going to lose, fighting back the need to fall into blissfull unconsciousness [22:50] Fyrja Axel squeaks and instantly ducks down when she hears the gun fire. The ache in her ribs and shoulder unnoticed as she looks around to see if anyone has been shot green eyes wide. She hears the voice saying something about the safety, but she doesn't believe it if the fucking safety had been on it wouldn't have fired in the first place.. "What the hell!" she growls wanting to leave because she didn't like guns in tight spaces. She looks down at Butcha's collar in her hands, no she wasn't just going to leave his crap on the floor and leave, the man was an asshole but Fy wasn't a complete cunt. He looked about ready to pass out so she'd stick around see him get his ass handed to him, revived, give him his shit and leave. [22:51] Gypsy Queller's entire body couldn't help but flinch wildly at the sound of the loud Desert Eagle .50 Magnum go off toward the south wall. She shot a quick glance over her shoulder to Carpe. "Fackin' can't take ye' anywhere!" she spat out at her and shot her glance back to the Kid. Her mind was already infuriated at this point and the last thing she needed was to be distracted from the fight. But it did just that as she felt the fist for her face. It rocked her head back in a whip and it was like a switch was made as she shot him a glance. Her eyes would have been red with fury had they been able to change to her mood. She immediately, without another thought, began offering punch after punch after punch, right, left, right left, right left, down onto the man's face, feeling the blood spray up into her own face. It didn't phase her fury as she continued. Too much. Gone off the deep end? She was already off the deep end... It was unsure what to call this... Oscar began to bark with desire louder and louder from the sid [22:53] Fou Fleischhaker knew he was done, and out like a light. His head bounced off of the ground as she hit him, hands weakly trying to defend his face. an eye was blackened, his new teeth threatened to come out JUST after he'd gotten them back. Suddendly, the man went slack. Arms fell to his side, and the barrage went on. Soon his face was a mess of blood and pulp, an eye hung loose, near out of the socket. His nose was broken, smashed against his face for the thousanth time in his life as he lay there. Now it was just brutalizing [22:54] Akina Taov doesn't flinch when the bullets go off but ehr hands immediately go to her body and her gaze shoots down. She starts to feel her body up and down and then she lets out a heavy breath of relief when she wasnt' shot. After that she looks back to the two in the ring and she watches Gypsy wail on Butcha. She raises an eyebrow but she waits for Gypsy to get done before helping him... She brigns herh and up to pick at her ear with her pinky ands he makes a 'hmm' sound as she flicks a bit of earwax onto teh ground [22:57] Nick Arun sat back against the wall pushing against it as he watched the girl beat the life out of the gentleman. Spats of blood flew passed him smacking against the wall, landing at his feet, some resting on his boots. This place is awesome he thought to himself, a smile formed over his lips. He hadn't seen a decent fight in awhile so to see these two going at it was pure joy to him. He wished he could talk or yell do something to chant the girl on he didn't want it to stop, but he was sure someone would step in sooner or later. [22:57] Fyrja Axel watches Butcha pass out eyes wide. She was willing to bet he was gonna be a fucking bastard when he woke up. Eyes take in the blood mess that is his face. She just shakes her head. [22:58] Gypsy Queller had felt his body go limp under her, but it didn't stop her. She was unable to stop. Punch. Punch. Punch. Her own knuckles were mixing blood with his face. In the back of her mind she knew the rules to her own fight night. If they went limp, stop. No use in beating a dead horse... but this was therapy for Gypsy. More therapy than that fucking hospital could offer. Punch. Punch. Punch onto the Kid's lifeless form, turning his face into a bloody pulp. She made a mistake... she had forgotten about Oscar. He barked louder and louder until finally shooting forward toward the Kid's leg, biting down hard against the jeans and flesh. Gypsy wouldn't call him off this time. She hadn't even realized he'd joined in the fight. Punch. Punch. Devyn. Punch. Travis. Punch. Orly. Punch. Dr. Lynagh. Punch. Dr. Ingrid. Punch. The whole fucking world. Punch. Punch. Punch. [22:59] Carpe Diem 's eyes widen as she watched Gypsy begin to take the fight to a new level. “Jesus Gypsy you are gonna fucking kill him,” she would call out as she quickly made her way to the ring. “fucking time to stop now,” she would try to say with a stern voice, she was still a bit shaky from the whole gun thing; and now she could feel everyones eyes on her. “Gypsy no dammit,” she would scream finally as she lunged towards Gypsy in an effort to grab the back of her shirt and pull her off of the man. If she was unsuccessful in this, she would quickly draw back her right arm and release a clenched fist aimed towards the back of Gypsy's head. That's right, a sucker punch to the back of the dome, Gypsy taught Carpe to roll like that. If the punch were successful she would again grab the back of her shirt and try to violently pull her back. [23:00] Keri Watkin grunts, making her way to her feet again, watching as Gypsy hit the man on the ground repeatedly, she was about to step in, but as Carpe did, she stayed silent, simply watching for a moment, to make sure the Carpe could handle Gypsy and get her to stop from beating on the man's body anymore [23:02] Fou Fleischhaker was now done. For awhile. Blood pooled around him as he lay there. he had taken a beating straight to his face for at least twenty seconds of being unconscious. His eyeball not hung out of his socket by the cord, and his face was nothing more than a mass of red and tissue and gore. [23:06] Gypsy Queller continued to punch the Kid's face as she felt a tug on the back of her shirt. She instinctively leaned downward against it, offering another punch to his face. She would have seen his eye shoot out the side of it's socket. It didn't stop her. She felt the sudden sucker punch to the back of her head and it only lunged her forward against his face, her own smothering into his bloody mess. No. It didn't stop her. The psycho continued to beat into his face. She heard a low cackle in her head as Orly began laughing uncontrollably. Gypsy managed to run her tongue along her lips covered in his blood, tasting it. She released a low moan and offered another punch to his withered face. [23:06] Nick Arun sighed quietly to himself as he saw the new girl interject into the fight tugging against the fighters shirt. That sucks he had thought he wanted her to keep going, but he kne someone was going to jump in, he just didn't figure it would be a dog and a girl, this made him laugh a bit. Standing to his feet and wiping off his jeans he made his way for the ramp and out of this underground fightclub. [23:07] Carpe Diem “fucking help me,” she called to Keri as she again lunged at gypsy, her sucker punch doing no good. She would trow her weight on top of her and try to wrap her arms around her in an effort to restrain her. [23:09] Stevo Decosta sighed as he shook his head, he quickly ran over at Carpe's plea for help, he thought the girls could get Gypsy off, so he made the bold move to attempt to grab the dog and hold it in a submissive position off of the man's leg [23:10] Keri Watkin lets out a low growl as Gypsy continues to go at the man, seeing that Carpe was incapable of controlling the woman. Moving briskly towards the group in the center of the ring, she moves behind Gypsy, lowering both her hands toward her shoulders, attempting yank her back off of the man, "That's fuckin enough! You're gonna fuckin kill him, back off now" she bellows out, her voice echoing off the walls of the basement [23:10] Fou Fleischhaker: (Post around me guys. Lol you are all gonna find this fuckin amusing) [23:11] Akina Taov furrows her brow and she sighs heavily. She moves forward. She shakes her head as she grumbles and she says to nobody inparticular "God damn fuckin' psychos". She would sigh before she looks around and she asks "So... Is-" When Keri steps in she looks over at her before she leans down ands he moves to try and grab onto Butcha's arms. If she succeeds she'd move to try and start to pull him back a bit, gritting her teeth as she does this and she mutters out "Dude, you need ot lose a few pounds" [23:14] Fyrja Axel frowns, the guy was an asshole but he didn't fucking deserve this. Watches Akina try to move him and steps forward to try and help. She has one good arm right now but she's strong from doing farm work and stripping hooks the arm under his armpit and tries to pull him back with a grunt pain lancing through her cracked ribs at the effort. [23:21] Gypsy Queller Punch. Punch. Punch. YANK! She felt her shoulders shoot backward and she blinked, shaking her head to herself as she was pulled off of him, stumbling to her feet and backwards to catch her balance. The chocolate covered fury glaze was slowly leaving those deep blues but not quite yet. It was gone enough to realize she needed to stop, but not enough just yet to stop her. She darted her deep blues to the damage she had done. His face, barely anything left. His eye, hanging off the side of his face. "Do it, Gypsy... Do it. Fucking do it." The voice in her head cackled. Orly was a hoot and a holler... Gypsy's tainted, blood covered lips curled into a smirk as she quickly shot forward once more, reaching down for his eye to rip from his face. She would have felt the slight tension as it pulled against the nerves attached until finally- SNAP. Her bloodied hand instantly brought his eye to her gaping lips, popping it in her mouth. She would have clenched her jaw tightly and instantly, feeling it pop under the [23:21] Fou Fleischhaker was now missing an eye to go with the concussions, the broken...eveything in his face and the dog that was still fucking chewing on his goddamned leg. [23:25] Akina Taov 's eyes widen when Gypsy rips the mans eye out of his socket. The only thing that goes through her eye, though, is 'Ouch'. Seh continues ot pull Butcha back and then she says to Fy "Put pressure on... Well... Don't put pressure on his head. Fuck I don't know how to help concussions". She shakes her head and she stands up before she pulls out her phone and she starts to Dial 911. God damn it why did SHE always get stuck with the overly egotistical MEATheads as friends?!?! She puts thep hone to her ear and she waits for somene to pick up before saying "Hey. We need an ambulence at Lou's bar ASAP. We got a guy here with... Well... IF you can count how many head wounds he's got I'll kiss you. He's missing an eye and... Well I'm pretty sure that his legs are fucked, too...." [23:25] Fyrja Axel eyes widen at that blatant cannibalism as the woman eats Butcha's eye and pronounces that she is done like an anorexic kid at thanksgiving. The bile rises in her throat a look of disgust crosses her features as she kneels down to grab his wrist finding a pulse. At least he was alive she thinks. Looks over at Akina, "He's too heavy to move." she says flatly. She'd slap his face to wake him but obviously that is out of the question as he doesn't have much of one left. [23:27] Carpe Diem “jesus,” she winced as Gypsy bit in to the mans dismembered eye, subsequently, his eye juices ran thick down Gypsy's freckled chin. “Was that fucking necessary,” she shook her head as she turned her gaze to the floor so she would not vomit. “Here before I kill someone,” she sighed as she pulled the gun from her belt and held it out for Gypsy to take. “Thanks,” she would nod to Keri as she shifted her green eyes to try to make contact with hers; she was pretty sure the woman did not like her. After all, the woman's had only seen the drunken side or the dumb ass side of Carpe, who could blame her. Still she hoped the woman would at least give her a smile...or an acknowledgement. [23:28] Keri Watkin wasn't even slightly disturbed at the sight of Gypsy ripping the man's eye out and pop it into her mouth. The woman had seen and done things equally as bad in the past, but she could still tell that Gypsy wasn't quite herself, reminicent of a Gypsy from the past. With a heavy sigh, she glances over to Carpe, now on the phone, leaning towards her, she seethes, "Get her the fuck out of here" she wasn't angry with Carpe, she simply knew what was best for her friend. She then speaks to Gypsy, "You won the fight, good job, but now it's time for ya to head home hun,a lright?" she says. She knew this Gypsy, she rememberd this Gypsy, and she knew that she needed to leave. [23:29] Panda Kozlov had heard there was some type of fight club thing in the basement of Lou's and had wondered over to watch and had absolutely picked the wrong moment to walk in. She blinks and can't help staring as the woman starts eating what looked like an eye, she had missed whatever had lead up to this and was now debating her decision to check the fight out. [23:30] Stevo Decosta doesnt even wince at the ripping and chewing of the eyeball, he struggles witht he mut as he tries to hold it off Fou's leg, trying to help as much as he can, he kind of admiring the physcoticness of Gypsey but would bring it up with her at another time and place, he continues holding the pooch from chowing down [23:31] Tart Porta watches the two boys she saw excitedly run to the bar come out with wrinkled up noses talking about the man who had just had his eye ripped out. Curiously she heads down the stairs peeking her head seeing the mass of people before looking to the man on the ground, Butcha? She blinks. Oh shit. Now she had only meet the man a few nights about but having patched him up right and she was sort of his personal medic is some fashion. " The hell.. " she whispers under her breath. This was a bit out of her league.. [23:33] Gypsy Queller drowned out the sounds around her. Everyone yelling in disgust, Oscar barking wildly while being held back. The man had gotten a good hold of him. She felt as though her life was in slow motion as she took the gun back from Carpe and held it lazily in her left hand at she slowly shifted her glance to Oscar. She walked toward him slowly, swallowing the last bit of his eye. It tasted like nothing else... her favorite delicacy. She was only sorry she didn't have any of the Kid left to offer to her dog. She leaned down to take Oscar by the collar, away from the man before darting her gaze to Carpe. "...Let's go..." she said in an eerie calmness and began towards the ramp. [23:35] Carpe Diem nodded Gypsy and offered a small smile to Keri before making her way out. “You're gonna get a disease if you keep eating raw meat....or eyes...or whatever,” she would mumble lowly to her as she made her way towards the exit. “here, you got something on your chin,” she would giggle as she reached behind her with one hand to grab the bloody cloth on her belt to give to Gypsy; Carpe knew she would not mind the stains. [23:37] Akina Taov smiles as she walks up the steps ands he says to Gypsy "Kick ass fight" And she chuckles as she heads up to leave Lou's bar. [23:37] Gypsy Queller felt the rag against her chin and did nothing to stop it, still moving in slow motion, feeling Oscar lick the Kid's blood off of her hand. She wouldn't stop him. She continued up the ramp as if it was an out of body experience... |
![]() AnonymoussaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
![]() AnonymoussaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
![]() AnonymoussaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
![]() AnonymoussaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
![]() AnonymoussaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
![]() AnonymoussaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
![]() AnonymoussaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
![]() AnonymoussaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
![]() AnonymoussaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
![]() AnonymoussaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
![]() AnonymoussaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
![]() AnonymoussaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
![]() AnonymoussaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
![]() AnonymoussaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
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