An Attempt to Revive the Legal System(Proposal)

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Profile photo of Hendrich Andel



With the new Crack Den opening its door to the outside world, the city has seen an increase of tourists. And with this increase also comes an increase in crime and arrests by police. Now I know that people don’t want to spend countless hours roleplaying in a jail cell. I have also been noticing that there are also judges and lawyers who are walking around the city with no work. So! Judge Richard Winters and I have worked on something which I will propose to you all right now.

Part I: Classification of Offenses
I know many of you have read and are familiar with the current Penal Code and the offenses on there. I was proposing that these offenses be classified into three types of offenses like below:

- Class A Offenses would be for all felonies punishable by mandatory jail time of 72 hours.
- Class B Offenses would be for all misdemeanors punishable by a mandatory jail time of 24 hours.
- Class C Offenses would be for all violations punishable by being released by recognizance or community service.

With these classified offenses, the jail time would be only if the defendant would be found guilty of the offense. Now how a person would be found guilty of such offense you ask? That brings me to the next part.

Part II: Bail Hearing

I know we do not have a court house let alone a working court system. This next part of the proposal would be having the defendant tried when they are arrested. When a person is arrested by the police, they would be given a chance to contact an attorney to post bail for them. And if the defendant cannot afford one, an attorney will be appointed by the city. At the same time, the police will contact the judge and the prosecuting attorney to arrange a date and time for them to come to the police station and try the defendant. The person in custody would remain incarcerated until seen by the judge for no more than 48 hours before being released. When the judge and the prosecutor arrive, the defendant along with his legal counsel (attorney) will be brought before the judge where the defense counsel will be able to post bail for the judge to approve or deny. Now after the judge hears both arguments for the bail, he or she will determine on one or more of the following:

- Approve the release on bail
- Deny the bail and the defendant remains in jail until trial
- Release on Recognizance until trial

Now once the judge makes his decision, the defendant will either be released or remain in jail until the trial. The trial would be scheduled two or three days later where the defendant would face the judge again in the same place. In this trial, both parties will argue and present their evidence. The judge will then determine the verdict of guilty or not and the proper sentence which would be one or more of the following:

- The mandatory jail time of the offense (Refer to Part I)
- Fine
- Community Service
- Parole
- Any other penalty that the courts may deem necessary.

If the defendant fails to show for the second trail, a warrant will be issued for their arrest by the city.

Part III: Fines

When a person is penalized with a fine for an offense, they will be able to arrange an agreement with the judge to pay off the fine in terms of normal payment or community service. If the defendant chooses to pay the fine the standard way, they will have one month to pay the fine then a warrant for their arrest will be issued if they fail to pay their fine after that month. The current fines for the offenses may or may not change.

So there is the proposed criminal system for those who get arrested. For the judges and lawyers who want to get involved, I know of a few attorneys:

Greenlee Morrisey
Jonah Millar
Jamie Jones (Chiara Stratten)

As you can see, there isn’t that many of them so if you are an attorney who wants to get their name out there, contact a member of the HPD so they can have you down as a reference in case the criminals need a defense and the police need a prosecutor. As for judges, the only judge I have seen has been Richard Winters (Diederich Mendle) so the same deal applies to those who are hibernating judges.

Your feedback is appreciated. And remember that this is not official as of yet! Thank you!

April 5, 2011 at 9:21 pm
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April 7, 2011 at 1:56 am
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April 7, 2011 at 4:26 pm
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April 7, 2011 at 4:52 pm
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April 7, 2011 at 5:44 pm
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Nadir Taov


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April 7, 2011 at 6:51 pm
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Nadir Taov


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April 7, 2011 at 6:55 pm
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