Amara Lynn Rau

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Female in her early twenties, blended heritage hinting at Indian and Caucasian parentage. Speaks fluent Spanish, as evidenced by the occasional rambling string of imprecations in Spanish when she's upset.

Born to a middle class family in a middle class neighbourhood in middle class America, Amara was bored out of her skull more often than not, drowning in the proverbial ennui of the suburbs.

Her natural affinity for math and her father's insistence on rounding her education with assorted classes, lessons and extracurricular activities let her slide through high school and straight into the 'yes' admissions pile at Med school. She was putting in time at a local hospital, nearly finished with her nursing degree, when she met Bobby.
Bobby was not a good boy (he was ten years older). Bobby was not honest (he dealt in assorted contraband items, from guns to narcotics). Bobby was fun (...enough said).
Bobby got ratted out by a friend, and he took everyone down with him- including Amara. The mess that followed was a small media circus for those involved, not quite important enough to deserve national attention but more than enough to get Amara's application to Med school refiled, reviled and recycled.

Bobby's friends were not pleased, either. Oh no, not pleased.

After the first time they came to her house, trying to find Bobby's stash and leaving her dad with a broken arm, Amara ran. She wanted to get them away from her family, but mostly she wanted to get herself away from them... she ran, scrounged and hitch'ed as far as she could before her cash ran out.
She'd landed in Hathian, looking to get some quick cash somehow so she could go on running. She applied for a post as an EMT with the local fire department, hoping to gather a couple of paychecks and then disappear... but a couple of days after she'd finished her initial training, there was a fire.

A bus smashed into an SUV, and she learned what it was to be able to rely on others as they fought the flames together and pulled charred remains from the wreck.
It was a hell of smoke and the reek of burning flesh. But it left her changed, too. Before long she'd applied at the hospital, hoping she could be of some help for the understaffed emergency staff. Before she knew it, she'd started caring what happened to the people that came to her more than she feared being found by her ex's gang.

She knows they are out there. But she also knows she's needed here.

April 23, 2008 at 6:49 pm
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