Alice Nachtigal – Hobo – Bio

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((this is from my pick ;p, after this I'll put a little conversation she has with the friends who live in her kinda give you an idea what a nutter your dealing with ;p))

[ Char Bio ] Alice was once a musician, but after becoming involved with drugs, her band quit and she lost all her money, home, family etc. She spent a few years wandering around, playing small paying gigs and crashing in friends living rooms; but after extensive uses of psychedelics she became a little too crazy even for her life long friends. Since her meltdown when she attacked and killed her best friend, she's been on the run ever since; she's hoping that life off the grid may keep her out of jail for the murder of her friend.

((Conversation anyone passing by could have easily heard from Alice one day while she was playing her beat up guitar panhandling...Jack is the old drummer from her band, and also the person she killed the night she had her meltdown.))

"No, I didn't say that I would give you the money Jack..I told you, you would have to wait until tomorrow to get the apple pie."
Alice looks around at that passing people on the streets, glaring at someone she catches eyeing her beat up guitar...
"EH! Eh you, you know what? Fuck you?! Yeah, that's right, fuck me! Okay, alright then....."
Alice returns to her discussion with Jack...
"Yeah, no he's just an asshole...the pie?..right right's up there ((points towards a concrete window ledge three stories up)) You want me to get it do you? No Jack you can buy it tomorrow...okay I'll go"
Alice considers climbing the brick wall towards the window ledge, but returns to her cozy spot on the sidewalk in the shade.
"Yeah, you know what Jack...I think I'll just keep it for the can have it tomorrow"

February 18, 2009 at 10:43 am
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