Agnes Periapse

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Category:Character Profile

Agnes came to Hathian to attend Columtreal University, from which she is on hiatus.
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'''RP Character Bio:'''
*Age: 18
*Weight: 110
*Height: 5'3"
*Ethnicity: half East Asian (unknown), half white (English)
*Known Alias: none

==Background Story==
===Before Hathian===
Agnes was yanked several times into foster care before her mom got deported, and constantly in it after. She'd lived in several states, but never in Hathian itself, until she came to Columtreal. Widely read, though inconsistently educated; and neatly groomed, despite a grungy style sense. Briefly attended a Catholic grade school. Got GED and quit High School early. Learned a modest amount of Spanish from a friend. Has a rudimentary tattoo of a chaos-star on her left leg (given for free by a friend), and a fancy one of lotus flowers that wraps her torso. She actually has no social security card or driver's licence, due to her mother's having avoided the government; and prefers to work for cash wages (pay no taxes) anyway.

Agnes was conceived and carried while her mother was heavily taking MDMA (Ecstacy). The fetal MDMA affected her dopamine receptors and gave her aptitudes for addiction and displeasure-avoidance, as well as a likelihood of future psychosis. She was addicted to cigarettes between the ages of 14 and 18, and still drinks more coffee than most of her peers. Half her piercings were self-inflicted at 13-14. She will say she likes pain, for the practical reason that it brings her out of her mental shell. She has not done hard drugs, opens her own bottle at parties, and avoids E in particular because of her mother. She is vegetarian, smoked tobacco-only cigarettes (Winstons, American Spirits), and considers herself a self-taught Buddhist.

===Begin Hathian===
For a Hathianite, she has had a relatively uneventful time so far. Agnes managed to avoid robbery and any form of assault, while seeing her sorority sisters affected by both. She kept her head down, didn't go downtown very often, and had no romantic relationships during her first year at Columtreal. She started making jewellery out of garbage as a hobby and giving it to friends.

At the end of that first year, Ava Delacroix was arrested and charged with being the serial killer who (among other things) massacred half the house at a HAB party earlier that spring. Agnes didn't believe her friend was guilty until hearing from Aisling Milgrom (KNX sorority sister) that Ava had performed the impromptu c-section which killed Aisling's baby. After a couple of attempts to induce Agnes to visit her at the jail, Ava resorted to a false confession which framed Agnes as an accomplice in the various crimes. Agnes was nabbed by bounty hunters and incarcerated.

===Current Hathian===
Agnes and Ava's relationship deepened in jail, and they share a cell as lovers. Agnes feels safer and more relaxed here than she did before being imprisoned. Using a cellphone the Warden gave her, and a friend as delivery agent, Agnes arranged for the sale of $25K of cocaine to students at the university. She uses her cellphone constantly for texting and Twitter. When she has materials, Agnes paints the cell walls, or crafts clothespin necklaces. Another cellmate, Tara Reed, gave birth to a daughter Nicole recently.

Biological Father:

Any racially east-Asian male who was at least adolescent in the spring of 1990, and in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Agnes's E-head mom had sex with a LOT of guys that month. Any other characteristics, any at all, are up for negotiation.

Biological Mother:

Came to the US from the UK, as an au-pair (nanny) when she was young (under 25, probably more like 18). Fired (for drug use? pregnancy?), she fled deportation for several years, but (as far as Agnes knows) she finally was deported around the time Agnes started elementary school.

Biological Half-Siblings:

From Asian father, could be anything, depends who he turns out to have been. From caucasian mother, they'd be probably younger than Agnes, and probably by a few years at least. One or two could have been dumped before Agnes was born, though, putting them only a few years older than 18.

===Extended/Adopted Family===
Miscellaneous past foster families

KNX Sorority, Columtreal University Chapter

==Criminal Activity==

Agnes has no arrests or incidents on record, since age of majority.

''((This information is considered IC information to any persons (ie Police Officers) that has access to her records, if you want to obtain these records illegally please clear it with me first.. thank you))''

'''Orleans Parish Correctional Center File '''

==='''Case:''' #1234567 ===
Mug shot will be uploaded later; currently only available as an in-world texture.
: '''Date:''' Early July 2009

: '''Captor:''' Tyrone Jarvinen
: '''Fugitive:''' Agnes Periapse

: '''Charges:''' $20K Bounty due to 20 Separate Counts of HPC-201. Murder in the First Degree (most of the same murder charges as Ava Delacroix)

: '''Evidence Seized:''' none

: '''Outcome:''' Incarcerated in OPCC. Bounty paid to Marcello Pausch: $20,000.

: '''Summary:''' Abducted by Tyrone Jarvinen, who handed her off to Marcello Pausch and Kyo Yamata.

:: '''Interrogation Notes:'' Inmate claims innocence.

==Medical File==

No hospital or doctor visits since age of majority. Severely near-sighted, and must wear glasses at all times to maintain normal vision.

==Educational File at Columtreal University==
''((This information may be considered IC information to any persons (ie faculty, Provost) that has access to her records, if you want to obtain her records illegally please clear it with me first.. thank you))''

'''Student ID Number:''' 1234567

'''Current Status:''' Not Enrolled for current academic term

'''Major:''' Visual Art

'''Minor:''' Philosophy (Logic)

'''GPA:''' 3.5

'''Name:''' Periapse, Agnes Ezti

'''Sex:''' Female

'''Date of Birth:''' 23 December 1990

'''SS #:''' None provided. Student claims she has none.

'''Other ID:''' None provided. Student claims she has none.

'''Local Address:''' KNX Sorority OPCC

'''Phone Number:''' 504-555-5555 (cell)

'''Emergency Contact:''' KNX Sorority, Columtreal U.

'''Academic Disciplinary Action:'''

==Faceplace Profile==
''((This information may be considered public IC information to any person who checks the Internet to find it.))''

===Basic Information===
'''Name:''' Agnes Ezti Periapse

'''Sex:''' Female

'''Birthday:''' December 23, 1990

'''Relationship Status:''' In a Relationship

'''Sexual Orientation:''' Yes

'''Looking For:''' Friends, Networking

'''Political Views:''' Anarcho-socialist

'''Religious Views:''' Buddhist

===Personal Information===
'''Activities:''' sketching, crafts, upcycling

'''Interests:''' meditation, moderation, cryptic obliquity

'''Favorite Quotations:''' "(I can't fix it) but I can bypass it."

'''About Me:''' Agnes is just this girl, you know? Your basic bastard orphan with something like two dozen mostly-younger sisters. Spanish-speaking former-catholic-school Buddhist banana.

===Contact Information===
'''Current City:''' Hathian

'''Windows Live:''' [email protected]

'''Website:''' [ CU-hosted Blog] (viewable by the public)

'''Twitter:''' [ EntropyBlooming]

===Education and Work===
'''Colleges:''' Columtreal University

'''Minor:''' Logic

'''Major:''' Art

'''Colleges:''' OPCC

'''Minor:''' Ambivalence

'''Major:''' Covalence

'''Employer:''' (until July 2009) The Daily Grind (CU campus)

'''Position:''' Barista

'''Description:''' ...seriously?

'''Employer:''' (since August 2009) Self-employed

'''Position:''' Sales

'''Description:''' I make crappy jewellery... and stuff.
September 5, 2009 at 5:29 pm
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September 5, 2009 at 5:35 pm
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September 5, 2009 at 6:06 pm
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September 5, 2009 at 6:32 pm
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September 5, 2009 at 6:36 pm
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September 5, 2009 at 11:36 pm
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September 5, 2009 at 11:51 pm
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September 6, 2009 at 4:58 pm
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September 14, 2009 at 3:21 pm
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September 14, 2009 at 3:51 pm
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September 14, 2009 at 3:52 pm
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October 2, 2009 at 4:26 pm
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October 3, 2009 at 11:01 pm
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October 14, 2009 at 8:06 am
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October 19, 2009 at 2:35 pm
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