[[Backlogs of what Saff has been writing in her plastic silver-glitter covered journal, since July 15th.]]
July 15th, 2014
I just got home from the nut house, the place Will sent me for a timeout since he didn't much care for my cutting gig. Fuck him...he doesn't know anything what I'm going thru. My parents died yesterday, a year ago and you know how I got to greive? By having needles shoved in me for sedation, then scolded for spitting on an orderly who was dragging me to see the psychiatrist. Uhg, I don't even know what to write in here, cept what my out-patient therapist told me to do...my feelings and shit. Welp...this is how I feel...(scribbles all over her first entry, pushing so hard with her pen that she cuts thru several layers of paper.) FUCK!!! FUCK!!! FUCK!!!