AD: ROPE – Roleplay for everyone, free lessons

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FREE Roleplay Lessons
IM Forceme Silverspar for further details including LM to your nearest set of FREE RP lessons

Roleplay for Everyone

Let's explore emoting and roleplay!

This series of four classes will explore, in depth, emoting and roleplay and provide you with ample opportunity to practice and ask questions.

You may attend FREE one, two, three or all four of the classes, whatever suits you.

At the end of each class you will receive curriculums, a note card that highlights the contents of the class and a TEXTURE.

Collect ALL FOUR textures and you are entitled to enter a certification process. Your roleplay skills will be tested by one of Second Life's QUALITY roleplayers. Upon the successful completion of the task, you will be certified as a QUALITY ROLEPLAYER and will be given a personalised certificate to display in your picks. The testing process is also FREE.

Lessons last for 1 hour.

★Week 1
What is emoting. Using the prompt. Extending emoting into possessive pronouns and adding speech. Using descriptions. Using adjectives. Using your senses. Actions, thoughts and feelings. Pros and cons of emoting HUDs, cue cards and pre-written text. Lots of interaction and practice from attendees.

★Week 2
What is roleplaying. What is sexual roleplaying (cybering). Identifying and creating the role you want to play. Basic rules of roleplaying with other people. Safety including emotional risks. IC & OOC. Recap of lesson 1 and demonstration of a short interaction.

★Week 3
More on Roleplaying
Using the environment, Godmoding, Metagaming, grammar, spelling and punctuation,Third/First person. Differences between living out short scenes and long story lines. Language issues. Setting up a scene. Generic language V role specific language.

★Week 4
Combining our tools for good RP
Emotes, in-world furniture, toys, environment, power, control, understanding others. Interpreting profiles. Understanding RP etiquette. Reading and understanding sim rules.

I'm with the above grid-wide effort to improve the quality of roleplay, as one of the examiners. Yes, I know what you're thinking, "stinking certificate, I need no stinkin' certificate to arpee," and that's absolutely correct. But for the newbies, and the otherwise curious, the classes are 100% packed with information and discussion, and I recommend them. The examinations are by no means a rubber stamp process, the exam lasts 1+ hour of actual RP, and sub-par play just won't do. If the sim owners would be interested in having a poster for this in the OOC area, it would really be great, and it'd be something to point all the clueless but eager Mr. Nooby Noobs to. What you say?

April 30, 2009 at 12:17 am
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