Kesavah's Bio & Backstory

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Profile photo of Kesavah Rage

kiikiiberry resident


Kesavah (Kes) Merrick

Born January 1, 2021 In Los Angelas, California

Blood Type: AB-

HT: 5 foot 2 inches / WT: 165lbs

Ethnicity: Welsh/Irish/Italian American

Status: Single

Niece to Merle Merrick (Aka Angelo Baker)

Conditions: OAC Albinism, very near sighted. Almost blind without corrective lenses. extreme sensitivity to light & burns easily. Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS): a genetic immune disorder making her more vulnerable to infections, along with being easily bruised and bleeding

Skills: Bartending. Loves Cooking. Excells at Arts & Crafts & is a bit of a seamstress.

Traits: A little bit nerdy and a bit of a book worm. Prefers books to people and enjoys most music from Classic to Rock.. Adores animals & Insects in all shapes and sizes. The weirder the better. Seeking to possibly study Zoology.

Usually wears tinted glasses out side to protect her eyes, and carries an umbrella to keep out of direct sun.

Carries a backpack with Various supplies. Pencils, Paper, Art supplies, Wallet, Mace, Keys etc

Growing up, Kes was often isolated, teased and bullied due to her albinism. Other children often refused to play with her, calling her freak, spook, cracker or other derogatory names. Even adults would often treat her differently. Yet this only served to steel her spirit and fan the flames of her determination to succeed, to become better.

Turning to books, they became her world, her means of escape where she could indulge in thrilling adventures, epic journeys and exciting escapades, her vivid imagination fueling her drive. Though this, she also developed several other skills, including fairly decent memory recall, a love for cooking, and an utter fascination with the animal and insect kingdoms, becoming quite the cute little nerd. She also became quite good at arts and crafts, and learned to be a fairly decent seamstress, making her own costumes and other articles for her lil make believe worlds.

Later, geared with her ambitions, she took up bar tending as a means to start saving for collage, while keeping relatively safe in doors, her end goal to be a Zoologist or Entomologist (study of insects). However, always plagued with the stigmatism and hurtles of her conditions, Kes fell on hard times and had to move back in with family. For various reasons, most could not or would not take her in, leaving the Albino only one option... moving to Hathian and seeking out her Drunken Uncle, Angelo Baker.


August 20, 2024 at 4:08 pm
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ming yheng


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August 27, 2024 at 10:20 am
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