A Conflicted man…

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Using a RP scene as an elaborate introduction to my char, with permission from those invovled. A little insight into a conflicted man.

[10:32] Gorthin Kondor looks over the various EP's wondering what the fuck was going on here. Had these people never heard of CD's or mp3. Records for gods sake was so .. well old! Weird Al Yankovich.. apparently some fucked up white dude, listed int he front of the case. This odd city he had come to.

[10:34] Paige Griffith roams over the collection on the west side wall... obviously aware of the man behind her... she wondered if he worked here. She wasn't really interested in the music collection on this side of the room - she shifted on her heel and walked back over toward the center of the collections

[10:38] Gorthin Kondor mutters to himself "What tha fack.. fuckign hillbilly music all over the place, and freaking records... what stoneage dump" He caught himself getting riled up over nothing again, and had to secretly remind shimself that he was trying to lead a new life. He wasnt much into it, but perhaps starting to listen to all this crap could expand the horizon.... "Hmm..So if a guy buy one of them records, what does he need to play it on?!" He question not directed at anyone in particular

[10:40] Paige Griffith traces her finger over the 'Britney Spears' record with a giggle 'who the fuck listens to that kind of trash around here?" she moved her eyes over to the Nine Inch Nails case and smirked 'now thats more like it' she thought. She caught a glimpse of Ron out of the corner of her eye as he approached "Hey! Did you accomplish what you wanted to get done?" she brushed a raven lock from her gray eyes as she glanced back at Gorthin for a moment.. the place actually looked great now that it wasn't burnt to shambles.. she chuckled at Gorthin's remark "I don't know who has a fucking record player around here."

[10:42] Ron Shoteka sighs and says, "Yeah I got the shit done" as he looks around at thinking where the hell are the cds.

[10:46] Gorthin Kondor: "John Tesh.. The power of love.. what a fucking fruit" He had to get out of this store and find a REAL music store somehwere, or someone who had a computer with internet access, if they even knew what a computer is around here. He turns an looks around eyeing the others. "Man, what a fucking peach" he though to himself as he looked over paige, rather obviously checking her out.

[10:51] Paige Griffith jars her thumb over her shoulder toward the west wall behind Ron glancing at Gorthin "I'd say those police cars have CD players in them - but after the coversation I heard you having with that officer earlier ..." she trailed off her voice lowering she wasn't ashame of suggesting it but she shrugged and smirked at him "I'm just saying..." she grazed her fingertips over the Nine Inch Nails track 'CDs are so much easier to steal' she thought... and if this guy did make it into the HPD - well she'd probably be the first for him to cuff with her obvious suggestions

[10:52] Ron Shoteka looks over Paiges shoulder and catches a glimps of Gorthin in heavy thought as he checks out page. All the while thinking to himself that a pretty boy like that can't handle a ball of fire like Page.

[10:57] Gorthin Kondor was rather paralyzed at that comment for a bit. He didnt see thta one comming, but nonetheless was probably pretty dumb to break into a police car when you also tried to get in with them. "Why steal when you can get one for free" He liked the logic of that, and he could have suggested that the security cars parked at campus had some nice radios too, especially as he had forced himself not to boost one a few days ago. This legit life was getting harder and harder, and only a single step towards his old life could fuck it all up pretty badly. What a piece of shit situation he had gotten himself into, soo many temptations all over.

[11:01] Paige Griffith shrugs a little bit at Gorthin "I got money to buy a whole PD with this body.. but its the thrill of it..." she smirks a little "S'like having an orgasm at your momma's funeral" she rests a hand at her hip and glances back at Ron chuckling she glances back at Gorthin "You must be new around here.."

[11:08] Ron Shoteka gently puts his hand on Paiges bruised cheek beneath her Black eye. With a very worried look on his face whispers, "you should really get that checked out, the clinic is just around the corner."

[11:13] Paige Griffith shifts on her heel towards Ron "I actually had it checked out - its all fucking itchy - they say its all healing." she lied to him she hadn't been to the clinic - she didn't want to revisit her attack from the other night when trying to explain what had happened to her.. and as for the pain - drugs always did it for relief though it'd been a few days now so it wasn't all that sore anyway - she just needed an excuse to pop pills even after Anjel had asked her to stop.

[11:13] Gorthin Kondor tilted his head "Dont be telling me your using that gorgeous body of yours to make money with" If that was indeed what she ment it would be such a waste of something so perfect on turning tricks. "Yah I am new alight, whats it to you?" What a dumbass her clinging boyfriend seemed to be. The clinic for a facial bruise? What a fecking pansie. Though admittedly, the sooner it cleared up the better she would look.

[11:19] Ron Shoteka fumbles through his pockets with a cigarrette hanging out of his mouth thinking. "dammit she doesn't understand that tricks don't like to see her all bruised up and shit". Still looking for his lighter he yells across the room, "hey hey pretty boy you got a light?" knowing that Gorthin has probably never smelled smoke let alone smoked a ciggarette.

[11:21] Paige Griffith reaches up and touches the scuff on her cheek...delicately tracing her fingertips over it - her mind went back to the other night when she was nearly locked in a concrete room and probably would have been raped and murdered... the two men standing near her now would be sure to know what her thoughts her on now... she was emotionally distraught about the situation as she did infact use your body to get her money.. and this attacker claimed to be a john. "I'm trying to get out of that business.." she said as she responded to Gorthin. She kind of liked being sleezy but she wanted out after the situation she put herself in just a couple of days ago

[11:25] Gorthin Kondor reached in behind his back pulling out his piece in one fast movement, taking aim at the dumbfuck for calling him a pretty boy, he caps him in his right eye without any hessitation... Nah he couldnt really do that, but there mere imagination of doing it gave some satisfaction to his troubled soul. "Buy your own fuckling lighter ese' " Just to provoke him he reached into his pocket taking out his camel and his lighter, for then to gather his lips around the end of the pack, pulling out a kret with his teeth before lighting it and shove them back into his pocket. "Dump this bozo, and I'll show you how to quit" It really wasnt that easy, and he should know of all people how hard it is to quit anything, especially with his past. What a fucking joke he had become compared to where he previously lived.

[11:33] Ron Shoteka watches Gorthin tautingly pull out a smoke a light it. After a bit of fumbling Ron pulls his lighter out of his back pocket lights the cigarrette clickly and takes a long drag. While holding in the smoke he tells Gorhin, "Dude you are not worthe it, I'm not getting locked up again over this bullshit".

[11:35] Paige Griffith gestures to Ron speaking across the room to Gorthin "He's not a bozo. And he's not my boyfriend... he's just my boy." she smirks a little at Ron sticking her tongue out at him before turning on her heel again and watching as Gorthin lit one.. oh how badly she craved the taste of a blunt right now. Oh she had plenty - but she didn't need anyone looking through the windows of the record store yelling down the street and getting thrown in a cell for a couple days... although, she thought, a big strong guy in a PD uniform being rough with her turned her on... maybe she would light up right here. This Gorthin guy seemed to be a goodie-two-shoes.. "Why don't you relax a little - your ass is so tight right now I'd have to wonder if you weren't really richard simmons." she paused a moment and laughed at herelf "Or do you need a naughty girl like me to loosen you up a little." she teached down and fingered the knife on her thigh

[11:41] Gorthin Kondor gathered his fingers around the cigarette holding in tight as he took a hard long puff on it, for then to move his index finger to the butt of it, shooting it off out the door with precision. A little trick he had picked up from some john travolta action movie. "Give that pocket knife to your girlfriend for protection" He gestured to ron to make sure he knew who he was adressing. "Keep your charity cunt to yourself girl, I dont need ANY woman" His business was concluded here in the record shop for now, not even freaking cypress hill record in sight. What a lame ass music shop. He turned and walked towards the door.

[11:45] Paige Griffith steps around the album stand... her hand rested at her hip as she sways around towards the doorway... "Hey Bubba... chill... you ain't gonna get into the PD with that attitude." she stopped for a moment and pondered "And I ain't no charity pussy - this is top grade shit... and if you don't believe me - maybe I should take you for a little ride."

[11:48] Ron Shoteka waves his hand at Gorthin in a calm manor not to run him off and talks very low konwing that PD is nearby. So you are saying that you wouldn't tap it even if it was charity?

[11:54] Gorthin Kondor stops and turns around facing paige "Right.. whatever.. Like hanging around fucking white boy dicks all your life could teach you how to ride anythin'" He turned again and walk just outside the entrance "Are you comming or what.. or do you need permission from your dr. deadbeat voer there?" Either way he didnt give a shit, theres was drinks to be had in some lousy bar around the corner he was sure.

[11:59] Paige Griffith shook her head laughing "And where the fuck are we going?" she saw the cop across the street - maybe it was a good thing she hadn't lit up a blunt just then... she was a rebel though. She glanced back a Ron then to Gorthin "Why would I need permission to go anywhere? I run my own shit..." she reached into the leather pouch resting on the side of her hip and took out a blunt... she gestured tapped her hand lightly on Gorthin's shoulder gesturing for his lighter as she stuffed the tip of blunt in her mouth at this point she hoped he'd just hand it over but with the attitude he was giving her reminded her off a preschooler and she assumed he probably wouldn't give it up and she probably wouldn't be able to get the attention of the cop after all.. but atleast she still had hopes

[12:04] Gorthin Kondor reached into his pocket lingering out the lighter before handing it to her "Keep it sugartits.." He wasnt gonna waste anymore time here. And looking for a job? fuck no.. either the station application process was gonna get moving or he would go get hammered as it seemed the only sensible thing to do in this dump. God, he was so pathetic, and miles away from getting his life back on the road, if he could even find the way. With his luck and charms, he would let himself be sucked right back into the ganglife.. what a fucking waste.

[12:07] Paige Griffith took a step forward and walked out onto the side walk.. fluttering her lashes as her eyes adjusted to the sunlight... she flicked the lighter and brought it to her lips as she smirked at the cop across the way she lit the end of her blunt and took a long hit off it.. holding the smoke in her mouth as long as she could she blew it out her nose and glanced over to Gorthin... "You still didn't tell me where the fuck we're going..." she reached around to her backside and popped the snap of her pouch placing the lighter in it 'A souvenier' she thought to herself as she brought the blunt back to her lips and took another long hit off it.. the taste of cigar and weed nearly making her seap between the thighs the taste was sooo good

[12:09] Ron Shoteka throws his half smoked cigarrette on the floor and puts it out with the toe of his shoe. Points at Paige and says, "What the fuck so now you just let tricks walk away". He then goes to the door and whispers to Gorthin, "lets go get that drink", knowing that if he doesn't fix this fuckup the rent money is going to be late again.

[12:12] Gorthin Kondor: "Either you have a place of your own, or you take a hike" He was getting tired of his talking, and needed some action. He stops at the words from behind. "What the fuck.." How could he not have seen this comming.. he probably was no more than a trick to her. God damnit. No wonder the wanna be gansters in his ol' hood had started calling him pops. He was becomming a fucking dinosaur, who had lost all grasp on reality. He didnt even have a weapon so he could take his frustrations out on someone else.. what a fucking shithole his life here was..

[12:16] Paige Griffith shakes her head...as she turned around and looked from Gorthin to Ron "Whatever.. have your bromance boys..." she smirks at them and wanders off across the street - she could really use one of those Golden Browns that Piaget made for her... but only one this time she told herself. She waved her hand at the two men behind and cussed in spanish as she walked far enough from them that couldn't hear what they were saying.

[12:16] Paige Griffith shakes her head...as she turned around and looked from Gorthin to Ron "Whatever.. have your bromance boys..." she smirks at them and wanders off across the street - she could really use one of those Golden Browns that Piaget made for her... but only one this time she told herself. She waved her hand at the two men behind and cussed in spanish as she walked far enough from them that couldn't hear what they were saying.

[12:18] Gorthin Kondor shakes his head heading off to find a bar

January 30, 2010 at 9:21 pm
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