• 9 years, 5 months ago

    Jacking Inkpen

    Started the topic CU New Student Groups Ideas in the forum Columtreal University 9 years, 5 months ago

    *** THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PROPOSAL FOR ANY GROUPS *** This thread is just to see how much interest there is in starting these groups. Please reply with any comments or questions, and also let us know if you would like to join one of these groups if it is established, and if you would be interested in being the leader (or co-leader) who submits an official proposal on the CU forum to start one of these student groups:

    1. * Pre-Med Student Group: Amira Xuanzang (amira Moore), one of the IC leaders at HGH, is excited to do a mentorship program with CU, and may also come and teach as a guest lecturer now and then. The mentorship program could include sending the students to HGH to participate in ‘clinicals’ and/or pair a student up to shadow a nurse or doctor, etc…. More on this when we get the details worked out ICly.

    2. * Pre-Law Student Group: Sergeant Grace Robertson (GraceRobertson Resident), is in charge of the dispatch desk and several other areas in HPD. She has agreed to an internship program with some guidelines: A limited number of students per semester will be allowed to participate after qualifying at the CU level, and then passing a background check at HPD. The interns will primarily be sitting behind the glass window in the station and answering 911 dispatch calls, but on occasion the may be allowed to go for ‘ride-alongs’ in the patrol cars.

    If and When …. We ever get a courthouse up and running in CD again, we will have student in the Pre-Law group also team up with lawyers and/or judges for internships.

    3. * Geek Club – There is already a proposal for this on the forums: “SLEEK GEEKS”. Please respond to it with suggestions and respond here or there if you would be interested in joining this student group: http://thecrackden.com/groups/columtreal-university/forum/topic/cu-club-proposal-sleek-geeks/

    4. * LGBT / GSA Club – Lesbian/Gay/Bi-Sexual/Transgendered and/or Gay/Straight Alliance Student Goup
    Is there interest from the students in having this group, and what kind of activities could they participate in, or what RP ideas do you all have for this group?

    EXISTING CU Student Groups and contact information:

    CU Football Team – “Coach” Joshua Andrew-Parker (Bubbs Zenovka) or “Captain” Jason Keaton (Sayyid Umarov)

    CU Soccer Team – “Coach” Joshua Andrew-Parker (Bubbs Zenovka)

    CU Cheerleading Squad – Jessi Rembrandt (JessiRembrandt Resident)

    CU R.O.T.C. – Angel Peña (Jonathan Mileman) or Kamari Nazareth (CarterRaymond Resident)

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