[Official Business] Labor Union

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Please give your feedback and suggestions for this business proposal (in a constructive manner!) for this proposer to review, respond to, and take into account should they go forward as the Lead! For more information on how proposals work:  http://thecrackden.com/discuss/topic/group-and-business-proposals/




Labor Union

By forgottenarm2021 Resident


TYPE: Official Business


SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Vodou/5/102/34


BACKGROUND: I'm a regular in CD and have been enjoying building up Nate's story and reaching out to all the players via his FD job and his construction work. I've already built up a construction presence in that sense, using Hathian Construction & Labor Union. Players will have likely seen my character or even been contacted or offered his construction services in RP! Some of these involved gang members, locals, and new faces who needed a helping hand setting up their accommodations with a handyman, to constructing small and private developments, and motels, building businesses but also, Nate launched a Fire restoration service as part of the Construction/Labor Union with the blessing of the old lead Chasiel X [Chas, thanks for being so fun to kick stuff off with!] In future, I have a few ideas about the direction the construction company and labor union could go: Utilizing the work site that used to be the old hospital as an actual project site. This will boost the visibility of the Union and give players who want to RP construction stuff, a place to use that is actually already there. The progress will be long and tedious but it gives people a chance to mingle with the construction crew or have people wheel deal with materials and set up conflict with the neighboring businesses too or simply enhance RP between places such as the After-Hours bar, the Pharmacy, the FDH, etc. Having started up with the construction business and RP-ing it out, I can gather players who are interested in this and send notices out so that they're there on a job. That way, actual IC work gigs get taken up on and RP'ed out and who know what might spin from such opportunities? Throwing players together is something I like to do when I can. This will hopefully bring players together and in ways that they enjoy. As management, Nate would be flexible and fair, he's an opportunist, driven by money and furthering himself in the city he's adopted as a home. He has started over from being homeless to working his way up. He's a trial by fire kind of guy and likes to have a good time. Nate can be unscrupulous and make deals behind the scenes, so he's not actually as savory as his FD role makes him seem. [As some may have witnessed!]


UNIQUE: The work gigs with advance notice for players who want that RP opportunity. Bringing some wheeling and dealing into it--if you have stolen/cheap materials for Nate, he's gonna wanna deal with you! City contracts--if Nate can find an opportunity to find some help with some artful sabotage among shady people and those contracts come rolling in, well, some people are getting kickbacks and Nate is all about it. A benefit to construction: You need things hidden? Well look no farther! There's machinery for that! You want things hidden deep down in the earth or you want a creative storage solution? Maybe there's a toolbox or crane you can forget about a drug bundle in or something for a % of the profits that you make when you come and collect. Nights out for construction workers on the bosses dime when he's feeling happy---go out to Bourbon and get wasted, get into trouble, get wild! Nate likes a good time but he also likes to fight and blow off steam! Sound like a typical construction boss/worker to you? Yeah, I thought so!


EXPERIENCE: Being a brass member of FDH means I interact with other characters in a type of managerial role, lesser to that of a lead but I often conduct EMS/FF calls or scenes in a leading role as usually that happens within brass with timings and schedules for fires and calls. I work well with other players, I try to stay out of OOC drama and I try to work with players to deliver what they want out of a scene when it's a fire scene and also am mindful of OOC perms and considerate to those. I don't tend to do anything that's going to upset somebody OOC and I always try to clarify anything I request so it's easy and straightforward and polite.


IDEAS: Promotion through articles, posters, work visibility at the site and word of mouth through characters. I already have Nate set up with increasing construction work gigs and have been building visibility for the company/union with that.


OTHER: A party at the former hospital now construction site, an illegal one, it's a good setting for it and would be fun...besides if a couple of people fall off after getting wasted or high there might be problems... Fortunately, the FD and HGH are not too far away!

March 14, 2025 at 11:54 am
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Denise Domela


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March 14, 2025 at 6:17 pm
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