How to plan an event – A guide to having a great time!

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion How to plan an event – A guide to having a great time!


This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Propane Rage Poppy 8 months, 2 weeks ago.

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We all love a good event, but sometimes we need guidelines in order to not accidentally elbow each other in the face. A lot goes into planning and everyone works hard on their events, so let's try to respect each other's time!

Sometimes the day you want may not be available to you, and when that happens you can either ask the people running events that day if you can run one too/or come to a time compromise, though you may have to find another day to do your event. And that's okay!

Sometimes two or more heads are better than one, maybe you want to collaborate with another business? You can check out the #current-leads-list in discord to see who you can reach out to!

→ If you’re not in the discord server, please see but understand that this list sometimes isn’t as up to date as the one on discord.

Any events involving more than three businesses, groups, sim-wide events and stories require coordination and permission from the Event and Storyweaver admin Propane Rage.

(Guide updated as of August 14th, 2024)




1. Always check the calendar BEFORE booking an event slot. If there's nothing else going on that day and not in your potential time slot, you're home free! Sometimes the calendar doesn't show all events, so make sure you click the more... button

Ensure to also label the location of the event correctly. You’ll get a list of options when you initially set up your event. “General” specifically is meant for events happening in Hathian.

2. If an event is in the time slot you wanted to have your event, allow the event that came before yours at least a 2-3 hour grace period before starting your own. We find starting circa an hour before the first one ends has worked out so far.

The rule applies even if the event is in Crack Den and you're booking for Backwaters etc. The only exception is CU classes.

3. Please make sure to provide adequate info such as where, when, what and who to contact about questions for the event.

4. Once you know your event is good to go, you can post it on the forums in the Roleplay Discussion section, Twitter (X) and the #tlooking-for-rp channel on discord for promotion.

The Observer: A great way to advertise your event is to have it posted in The Observer Newspaper. Either contact editor in chief Daiyu Tang (Faithtang Resident) or write and submit the article yourself  and pretend it was written by a NPC journalist.

→ You can hang up 3-4 posters TOTAL across the sims to promote your event.



1. First, please read the notice guidelines to ensure you know the drill 

2. Notices aren't to be sent out later than up to 4 hours BEFORE the event takes place. We only send out notices when an event starts under special circumstances like workshops, OOC parties or sim wide events. Optimal notice times tend to be a day or two ahead.



Official Businesses: You or the DJ of the event can send out a blurb in the appropriate group for your event which can either be CD Citizens or Backwaters Dark Roleplay.

Send out a blurb 30 minutes before the event or just as it starts, and to be mindful not to spam, please only repeat this at most once every hour for the duration of your event.

Private Businesses and Citizens: You or the DJ can send out a blurb in the appropriate group for your event which can either be CD Citizen or Backwaters Dark Roleplay. You can send out a blurb 30 minutes before the event or just as it starts. You can do this once.

Chatting to people in Crack Den OOC in-world and the #ooc-lounge on Discord about your event is always a nice way to encourage people to come - but don’t send out blurbs please.



While having a DJ is nice, they’re not required for every kind of event nor for an event to be successful. If no one is available for your event, please try to consider other options.

1. To request a DJ, make sure to be asking ahead of time. Asking the day before can be really short notice for most people. Ask in the #wkrk-dj-requests channel on Discord.

2. Be mindful of events already on the calendar. If the running event has a DJ occupying the stream - your event will either have to wait or provide their own stream. But please try to avoid two events with streams happening in close proximity.


→ Sim stream info will not be given to DJs that aren't part of the sim, so they will have to provide their own stream. It’s also good to have your own stream just in case.

3. Unregistered businesses will have to provide their own streams.


You can always link a youtube playlist or something of the sort in a pinch if no DJs are available!



If your event is taking place in a public area of the sim like the open swamp in Delphine, The Plant, Batterie Beach, Bourbon Street etc. please let the event admin know before you start decorating for an event to ensure you have permission and so your things aren’t returned or cause anyone to wonder why your prim limit has inflated beyond your allotted amount.


→ If the event is taking place on a private parcel, you do not need to ask permission as it would be on your own land.

→ Remember to clean up after yourself as soon as possible, either right after the event or next day at the latest unless you have special admin permission.


Official Businesses: 80-100 prims + 10 prims per business booths if it’s an event involving more than one business.

Private Businesses and Citizens: 50-60 prim + 10 prims per business booths if it’s an event involving more than one business.


→ If you feel you need to exceed these limits, please ask admin permission.

→ Avoid texture heavy and script heavy objects, remove scripts if you can.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Propane Rage via notecard or IM in-world.


July 16, 2024 at 6:18 pm
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