Cosette Devereux – I AM HERE! *Said in her impression of Almight*

Home Forums Introductions Cosette Devereux – I AM HERE! *Said in her impression of Almight*

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Emerald emerald stoker 12 hours, 29 minutes ago.

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Profile photo of RayMoonSummer Resident

RayMoonSummer Resident


Hello! My character is about a week old and I've been on and off around sim the past week. I am new as this is an introduction. I am going on vacation for a month starting july 5th but I would love to meet some new people and roleplay with them when I get back august 2nd!

Cosette is actually Aveline Devereux's younger sister! I wont go into backstory since I would prefer that to be found out ICly but I will say that she just recently moved back to hathian and grew up there. She is currently attending CU.

Some of her interest is:
Anything Kawaii, Books, Video Games, Biology, Helping Others, Boba, anything Cutesy, Pigs, and Unicorns, blue raspberry flavoring, cotton candy.

Some things she doesn't like:
Assholes, things that are too soft, mushy things, sticky things, loud noises, group studying, crowded places, the color orange, the fruit peaches (She doesnt like the hairs on it).

Feel free to message me on SL: RayMoonSummer
or Discord: WickedBee
for some rp or just making friends!

Excited to join the group!

July 1, 2024 at 9:57 pm
Profile photo of Airika Bae

Airika Bae


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July 2, 2024 at 4:04 am
Profile photo of Koda Slade

koda slade


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July 3, 2024 at 3:38 pm
Profile photo of Emerald

emerald stoker


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July 7, 2024 at 7:31 am
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