The Dancing Nymph reopening

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion The Dancing Nymph reopening

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of hrothgarr Resident hrothgarr Resident 9 months, 1 week ago.

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Profile photo of hrothgarr Resident

hrothgarr Resident


The Dancing Nymph club is opening officially again, for those wondering what it is, please check the link, there is a colorful explanation.


The club is ICly always open thanks to the two NPCs who also take the entrance fee and for the public to visit.

We will hold regular events on Thursdays and bigger ones on weekends. The reopening starts with this:


We hope to see many of you there, if there are questions, always ask 🙂

March 15, 2024 at 10:54 pm
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