The Not So Average Southern Belle

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Profile photo of k_marie



Growing up in the South has to be one of the oddest ways to be brought up; at least it was for Kaylin. Her family wasn’t quiet trailer trash, but it was pretty damn close.

Watching her Daddy pack his bags on that sad Christmas morning when she was five really did something to her. She couldn’t really ever picture herself being able love a man after that. It was hard. She watched as his family grew and her momma lost it. It was like every other week a new man was in her life. Her daddy forgot her, traded his old life in for a new family all the way down to a new family pet. She never really ever saw her daddy again, but he did send the child support every month to her mother's pleasure. It kept that ugly double-wide over there head and some off brand food in their mouth. Her child-hood wasn't really that bad, but it did have a slight improvement a few years later.

It was the last “new daddy” her mom brought home that really hit it off with Kaylin. He played with her Barbie dolls with her and even helped her out with school projects. The only thing that was ever really wrong was when he got mad. It never happened that often, but from time to time Kaylin’s head would meet hard with a wall.
When high school rolled around, Kaylin would stay out late and get away with it. Her step-dad or mom didn't mind. To them it just meant they could do it in EVERY room in the house that nigh.

On the fourth house party of her freshmen year, she met David. He was everything she could have ever hoped for. He loved her and was tender and caring no matter what. For his 17th birthday, she gave him her virginity. It was a big deal for her, and he was the perfect guy. They fell madly and passionately in love with one another. He graduated two years before her, and went off to boot camp for the United States Marine. She couldn’t have been happier when she got to go see him graduate. It was the tours of duty he got called on that really tore her up. She became close with his friends, and they even helped her move all of their stuff into the new home they had saved up for.

When he got home from his second tour of duty, David just wasn’t the same man she had loved for so many years. He became abusive and never really all there. He would watch TV all day and drink all night long. When Kaylin would arrive home from her double shifts at the local diner he would either force her to have sex with him, or he would have some whore over their kitchen table fucking her.

Early one April evening she came home to find him highly inebriated. She had taken enough. He pulled his pistol on her, and they fought for it for what seemed like an eternity. She finally got a hold of the gun and shot him right between the eyes. She had squeezed her eyes shut just as she pulled the trigger, and when she opened them she was covered in blood and driving down the highway. The gun was gone and she had packed a bag full of necessities and gotten all of their savings. The truck was a risk so she ditched it and began hitchhiking her way to somewhere.

She got word that all of her family believed her to be dead, and she decided that it was just the best for everyone. Her life was now changed forever. She had killed a man.

Now she has made her way to the great city of Hathain. She doesn’t know how long she will stay, but for now it is something different and no worries of anyone knowing who she is.

November 10, 2009 at 8:00 pm
Profile photo of Lexi Morrison



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November 10, 2009 at 9:51 pm
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