Wed, Sep 21 @ 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Go Looters!
Welcome to Professor Gabriella Zabalza’s anthropology course this fall semester. Anthropology 119 “Introduction to Meso-American Cultures” will be a broad over view of various civilizations to inhabit Meso-America prior to the arrival of European rule. Each lesson will focus on a different Meso-American culture, allowing each student who completes this course to develop a basic understanding of the civilizations that dominated South and Central America, as well as the American south west before European colonization. Classes will be held in the 2nd floor lecture hall of the academic building. Classes will be held on Monday evenings at 8PM, as well as a repeat of the lecture the following Saturday morning at 9AM.
This week’s lesson will be a brief history of the western continents prior to human arrival, as well as an overview of how and when humanity arrived and began to spread through the western hemisphere before forming the unique cultures we will be studying the rest of the semester. We hope to see you there!