9 months, 4 weeks ago
11 months, 4 weeks ago
Alexandr Romanov
1 year, 10 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
Hey Rosalia, my char is a HGH psychiatrist, and I would be happy to be an IC contact for you to use/refer to (even as NPC). I am usually online sporadically too, but I can work to an ooc arrangement/schedule. Feel free to reach out to me inworld.
2 years, 2 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
2 years, 2 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
9 years, 10 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
He slid the car door shut behind her, taking a moment to lean his frame against the polished black of his sports car. Far off in the distance, the lights of the city blinked weak beneath the gathering clouds. “Good riddance.” With those last words, Colton flicked his spent cigarette to the drive and bid goodbye to the city that had given as muc…[Read more]
10 years ago
Alexandr Romanov
I’d like to thank the previous participants to this survey who have mentioned Colton here; despite being absent from rp quite a bit lately due to RL, it’s nice to see that the character himself has not been entirely absent from influence for others.
Given that the answers for these questions are going to be biased and centralized around my own…[Read more]
10 years, 2 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
December 12
The hatred by the citizens for HPD grows by the day. You, and a good number of your colleagues, your friends, our family, suffered at the hands of this latest attack. I only know as much as you do at this point, that bombs were detonated at the Municipal party. I wasn’t there, but I should’ve been. That should have been me in your pla…[Read more]
10 years, 2 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
December 11
I’m shaking again.
I think my body is craving heroin. It’s all I remember the family doctors saying was in that cocaine Kakihara gave me yesterday. That’s the second time this week I’ve been dosed with narcotics. I don’t think my body is going to overcome a third time before I hit the point of no return: addiction. The only weap…[Read more]
10 years, 2 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
December 10
I’m going to share something with you about me now, Seth. It is my hope that maybe it will help you to understand me a little more, whether that be today or in the years to come, when I no longer share this life with you.
Have you seen that movie, the recent one, about Vlad the Impaler? It’s called “Dracula Untold.” Histori…[Read more]
10 years, 2 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
December 9
This entry might be short; I’m still combating the effects of whatever was in that syringe from your pocket. Admittedly, the euphoria was unlike anything I’d ever physiologically experienced before. Is that what it feels like to be happy? Or was that too, artificially enhanced? Either way, it’s left my system wanting more. My hand…[Read more]
10 years, 2 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
December 8, 2014
Let me start with my first confession: I’m not one for journals; I deplore the idea of writing down your thoughts. I’ve seen how they can be used against you, in the wrong hands; perhaps because the hands they fall into, are usually mine. But then I have little doubt that anything we do on computers these days has the same eff…[Read more]
10 years, 2 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
((This is a handwritten journal that Colton is creating as a present for his son, Seth. It is leather bound, and stored in the top drawer of his office desk at home. It will be added to over the next few days, containing a compilation of Colton’s sentiments, history, photographs, and any letters from other family members wishing to contribute. W…[Read more]
10 years, 3 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
Piper, would just like to add an additional update to the Vonds:
Jace is no longer a member of the Vonds.
Rachell has just birthed twin girls, both god-daughters to Colton, and will be taking the Vond name for them. -
10 years, 3 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
I feel the need to comment here since the recurring question/concern about affiliation with the Vonds, and the impact this will have on a major business like Lou’s, has come to light.
I have been in a similar situation to the scenario Esme is referring to, where Kirvi was Gein Manager and Colton was HPD, and towards the end of their r…[Read more]
10 years, 3 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
Hi guys,
To start, I’m glad to see someone is interested in reviving the old theatre. Ever since I’ve been around, that place has been a graveyard in my opinion. The only time I’ve seen it ‘used’ is when someone gets kidnapped and dragged off to the upper level for a beating (yes Kakihara, I’m talking about THAT time).
To see that Jeremiah and…[Read more]
10 years, 3 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
Hi guys,
To follow Espi’s contribution, when this proposal was lodged, it was under the advice that this is not about whether this family is explicitly “good or evil”. Currently, the members of this family are not in any way, shape or form known or considered in reputation as criminal. They banded together through legitimate roleplay inter…[Read more]
10 years, 5 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
11 years, 2 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
I like that this has been put on a forum for discussion.
Personally, I have come across a lot of ‘Rookies’ that are alts and are already quite aware of the system, and don’t have a lot of questions for me, but in saying that, this will hopefully help them to know who they can come to if they need help.
I’m from Australian time zone (+10 GMT) but…[
11 years, 4 months ago
Alexandr Romanov
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