VenusMari Zapedzki
Welcome to Hathian, Ariel!
Welcome to Hathian, Ariel!
Welcome back, Frankie!
Yayyy! See you there!
Welcome back, Jed!
Sounds like great plans!
Hi Wyatt! Hope to see you around some time.
Sounds like a good idea.
This does sound like there needs to be a gang integrated into the business model. How would, for example, the trafficking be enforced IC without this? Fine if everyone did IC as they were told, but how are things supposed to work if people decided not to?
It’s about time the pharmacy was given a boost. I haven’t RPed there for ages, since a friend of mine worked there.
I agree with thanatosdarkness (though not, of course, IC) that it would be good to have more RP around the landing area. Plus Venus would appreciate having a bit of danger while she eats her moring pastry.
Welcome to Hathian!
This is a very good intro. Welcome.
Happy holidays! I’ll look out for you.
I’m sure the cop had a grin on his face the rest of the day!
Hi Jordan, we met before and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it here. And please be patient. It does take forever to get out of chapter 1. Chapter 3 is a bit slow as well. But you’ll get there.
I hope it went well.
I hope you’ve recovered by now! Belated welcome!