thedebtcollector resident

active 4 years ago

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C.J. Findley Backstory

Christopher James Findley was born to parents Sarah Powell and Andrew Findley. His parents were young when he was born, only 20 and 21 years old. They married just before he was born and they divorced about a year later. Andrew left the home and was hardly ever seen again. Over the years Sarah would’ve attempted to get child support from him but was hardly ever successful.   As an infant, C.J. was happy and grew and followed the normal pace that infants do. Never really falling behind his peers. It wasn’t until he was a child that he started realizing his family situation was not the same as other children in school. During childhood, C.J. was tempestuous. Due to their lower socio economic status he was made fun of at school and constantly bullied. His Aunt, an art teacher began to teach him how to paint and draw and they found he had real talent. They would attempt to use this to curb his anger and while it worked for the most part he would still get in constant fights with the other boys in school.   The problem escalated to the point that when C.J. was nine years old, he was temporarily removed from school and his Aunt and Mother had to home school him. He returned for fifth grade and managed to stay in school for the rest of the time. His anger and fighting curbed off slightly after that, until he was twelve, when a particular fight […]

C.J. Findley February 15, 2016 February 15, 2016 backstory
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