
active 9 years, 9 months ago
  • 9 years, 11 months ago



    I think I know exactly how to handle this. In many other sims we have used RP dice to resolve combat. In such a system each player takes a turn to emote. They are allowed to emote one offensive and one defensive action. In each case they roll a die, then compare it to the other player, high die wins. Three hits and a person goes…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 11 months ago


    I totally Agree with Esme. That is a good summary of what my feelings are. If I play forever without advancing in that system, but my character can still enjoy a good story line and solid RP, I’m fine.

    Of course I will never be able to get a firearm, but I’m not after one. If I was then I’d probably have to game the system to get the points.

  • 9 years, 11 months ago


    I love CD, please don’t take this wrong. But IMHO the current system actually penalizes good RPers. I played a very long time trying to be clever and avoid arrest, like a good criminal should. I still had plentiful good rp with people. I finally got arrested but it was not out of any sterling effort of rp. Having been a clever criminal left…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 11 months ago


    I love CD, please don’t take this wrong. But IMHO the current system actually penalizes good RPers. I finally got arrested but it was not out of any sterling effort of rp. Having been a clever criminal left be bereft of any advancement ability at all. So my thinking is that I just ignore the evolution system. If I advance fine. But that…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 11 months ago



    I am working on creating Hathian’s Lottery. Or, as it’s called in RL, a numbers game. This is a rather simple concept, in that bets get sold, then people go out to collect after the number was drawn to either collect from losers, or pay winners.

    This is being advertised IC in the observer and by word of mouth.

    This is, of course,…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 11 months ago


    After letting the siphon run for a few days Taree uses her access to check in on it. The amount varies bit is normally a few thousand a day. She is running a 1% tap, and just hopes it can make it through the month end processing without be detected!

    This thread is pretty much done for now. Other players have…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 11 months ago


    I love this topic! I would like to make a suggestion about this idea. For my many years in various RPs, including Gor, I have seen many court systems in action. The fact is, in short, it can be a fiasco. You see, the advantage we have now, with the Imperial Police, is efficiency. You get busted, you go to jail you get out. Fair or not. and…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 11 months ago


    I love this topic! I would like to make a suggestion about this idea. For my many years in various RPs, including Gor, I saw a court system in action. In short, is can be a fiasco. You see, the advantage we have now, with the Imperial Police, is efficiency. You get busted, you go to jail you get out. Fair or not. and let me just say that a…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 11 months ago



    04 The Siphon Gets Running

    She arrives earlier than normal at the hospital. She has made sure that she knows when Raul normally shows up, and he’s an early bird. She settles in, then logs in using his credentials. Because she is nice, and really doesn’t want him to go to prison for her crimes, she creates a new dummy tech account…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 11 months ago


    replied to the topic Good VS. Bad characters. in the forum OOC Bench 9 years, 11 months ago

    I’d like to comment briefly on the theme raised above about good characters avoiding bad. I think there another perspective here, and there is a really good chance I’m wrong. And by the way, to clarify, I think of Taree as a very ‘good’ person even if she steals.

    I have felt that the criminals prefer to avoid me! With Taree being so open and…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 11 months ago


    replied to the topic Rekindle the fire in the forum OOC Bench 9 years, 11 months ago

    I totally agree with the theme of this thread and Bliour, I applaud your sentiment. I have made 3 or 4 tries over the past two and a half years to get myself started in CD. In my previous attempts I allowed my feelings of being disrespected and ignored to drive me away quickly, within a month or two. That was MY mistake because any new player…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 11 months ago


    replied to the topic Good VS. Bad characters. in the forum OOC Bench 9 years, 11 months ago

    I agree that a well designed character should have both good and bad sides. Why be one dimensional? Some of the meanest characters we have also have redeeming qualities.

    I play Terry as a very nice and caring person. She really is, in many ways, an Innocent. Terry is always easy to meet and to talk to, and she has no qualms about walking up…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 11 months ago


    03 The long slog forward

    Tonight Terry is in a much less chipper mood, she sits with her laptop and sips wine as she studies what she is getting back from her efforts to date. As she expected the network is highly secure. Having physical access was not the free ticket she had hoped it would be. A user at her level of access cannot…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 12 months ago


    Once again my day in CD did not go at at all as I had expected! Yes, I enjoyed this story line very much. I’m not much for solving riddles, they make me crazy because once I sink my teeth in I simply HAVE to solve it, even if my kids starve RL and the laundry rots in the dryer.

    And yeah. Those dang Zeroes…… Taree is making some…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 12 months ago


    02. Terry Gets a warning!

    Terry sits at home with her hair splayed in a cloud around her. She picks at the ends, and has a sour face about needing a haircut. Her mind is on her new beau, he has really impressed her and her thoughts find it hard to leave him. But there is another thing that has tormented her. In order to be sure…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 12 months ago


    Hello and let me just start by saying that i have asked both Jeremiah and Amira for OOC permission to proceed with this story line. Anyone that feels they might have a role to play should please get involved ICly. The purpose of this RP is to begin a change in my storyline, away from mob driven car theft into something a bit more upscale.

    Each…[Read more]

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