Corbin LaSalle
That told me all I needed to know, Chinon. Thank you for the insight. The smarmy intermittent parentheses emoting was especially helpful.
That told me all I needed to know, Chinon. Thank you for the insight. The smarmy intermittent parentheses emoting was especially helpful.
My concerns with this proposal:
CD already has bars where criminals and municipal workers mix. After Shift, in my opinion, should remain primarily a space for municipal services. It’s called After Shift. What cop/firefighter is going to want to deal with BS at a bar they want to chill at?
You mentioned not knowing what CD offers, and I’m not…[Read more]
If you mean the AI write-up you get when you click over your head, you can help that along by setting all your character’s updated info through the menu. That will help tremendously, especially being as detailed as the character limit will allow for the “status” or whatever the menu item is called; I can’t check right now. Once you’ve been…[Read more]
Cool little intro! I admittedly have a soft spot for trailer park origins. Hope you find some fun times around town. ✌️
100% behind this. Bro’s BBQ needs some loving, and Dune has been very present in the community. A real pain in the ass, and fun to RP with. I like the idea that the restaurant could be a meeting place for the anti-HPD movement as well as a target for retaliation. Wish you all the best.
Wow, these Nightmen sound awful! 😂 Great proposal. Leaves no questions really, and I think the city lacks true junkie, homeless types, so this’ll be a good chance for those wanting that brand of RP to get involved and to have a community of their own to all be trash together. Wish y’all the best.
Had fun giving your character shit the other night on campus for being so eager with his threats. I think Koh will be a great assh- I mean asset, for HPD. 😂
Wow… This chick sounds like a hot mess 😂 And Dr. Williams needs to work on his bedside manner.
Thanks for all the hard work y’all put in, admins and mods alike. And grats, Hell!
I think an “official” church would be cool, but there isn’t one.
There’s a church up in Rougarou, but I don’t think it got traction. They were looking for an IC priest and couldn’t find one, and the opening didn’t have a huge turnout. Since this is CD we’re talking about, we’re bound to have more “churches” than proper churches. It takes a lot of…[Read more]
Estelle would be a primo choice for owner of the Gein. The few scenes I’ve had the pleasure of being in with her were great fun. She’s a fantastic writer, and she seems to have a solid plan here. 10/10 would be proud to have her as a boss if my char were still working there. I’ve seen how dedicated she is to keeping the Gein in tip top shape and…[Read more]
Yes yes yes. The arcade needs a revival! I think this nerd will do 😛
You know those scenes that start out of the blue? When someone posts at you and it’s something unexpected and piques your interest? It’s like when you’re watching a show, and there’s an episode that is clearly filler material to pad out the runtime; and it doesn’t add much to the story, but it’s memorable and a nice little break from routine.
<b>One day I’ll learn how to quote something on here. One day. </b>
My character is “good” and while I wouldn’t say it’s challenging, per se, there are often moments where I think up some gnarly scenarios that I’d like to play out that wouldn’t work for my character because of his “good”-ness. I get major FOMO vibes sometimes when I see people having it out in the street, like fuck that looks fun but oh right, my…[Read more]
That was a great write up. My character interacted with Zofia one time at the CU clinic and he was even offered a job, but he didn’t return after learning some frightful stuff about her from Twitter.
Shame because she was fun to write with, and she was very courteous and welcoming in working within the limits of my then-underage character.
I’d…[Read more]
I don’t think anyone can stay “relatively innocent” around these parts. Hope your road to discovery is a fun one!