scrounge13 Resident
2 weeks, 5 days ago
1 month ago
scrounge13 Resident
As someone who has already had an opportunity to roleplay with Takeo, and other Manticore associates, the business, as well as the roleplay itself has proven both immersive, and well thought out. The concept provides a much needed bridge between businesses operating “legally” in the Red Light District, and players that either wish to have their c…[Read more]
1 month, 2 weeks ago
scrounge13 Resident
Thank you all for the support and positive feedback! I’m looking forward to the potential RP and business collaborations that have been offered so far. Anytime you see Matt standing around outside the motel, feel free to come poke around 🙂
1 month, 3 weeks ago
scrounge13 Resident
Annika running a bakery? Hand’s down, no better choice.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
scrounge13 Resident
There isn’t much left here to say that hasn’t been said. In my mind, Jessica is the only choice for the role. Since my return to the sim a couple years ago, she is one of the only players I’ve seen remain active and consistent in her unofficial leadership role for the entire duration. Any time I’ve needed to reach out to her, she’s always gotten…[Read more]
1 year ago
scrounge13 Resident
1) (Due to unforseen RL circumstances) The leader of the Harlots has been nowhere to be seen in the past month, and their influence over Bourbon Street and surrounded territory on the Waterline has diminished. Only recently has Matthew resurfaced, and has been seen patroling the street alone with a bloody baseball bat, inquiring about incidents…[Read more]
1 year, 3 months ago
scrounge13 Resident
1 year, 3 months ago
scrounge13 Resident
I returned to CD at the beginning of this year, and Chasity was one of the first people to start an ongoing plot with my character. She has tremendous range as a writer, capable of going from dark and macabre to emotional and heartwarming, sometimes within the course of a single scene. OOC she’s one of the most chill and friendly people on sim,…[Read more]
1 year, 4 months ago
scrounge13 Resident
1 year, 5 months ago
scrounge13 Resident
1 year, 5 months ago
scrounge13 Resident
Please recount one or more ways in which your group brought RP to the sim as a whole: Harlots are involved with a handful of adult film studios, and have struck deals with local businesses to provide protection from the police and outside gang influence. With our numbers steadily growing, we have plans for a handful of new events coming…[Read more]