• 8 years, 2 months ago

    RickRowan Resident

    RickRowan Resident Posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago

    Over the years, repeatedly, I’ve seen the ads* Victim needed*. One thing I have learned about Haithian is we are not in low supply of victims. As you wonder down the streets you will encounter many different victims and types of victims. See the girl in the mini skirt? I wouldn’t mess with her. You learn soon enough the ones in the short skirts only wear them so they can be flexible with out restraint. They draw you in as eye candy, only to leave with your tongue in their pocket. See that dude with a really big hammer? He’s scared or he’s really busy and doesn’t have time for you to pick pocket him. Mostly they’re scared and have learned to intimidate people with it. See that hooker? I wouldn’t mess with her. She can take a hit, and she can dish them out. She’s been trained over the years to keep her money. The only one she fears is herself and her pimp.  See that guy going to jail? He’s still fighting, he’s the one to watch, he has allot to lose. That one will hurt you. See that girl with her back to you at the bar? She is looking for some one to enjoy. She wants you to grab her, she’s bored out of her mind and looking for anything to entertain her. See that man with the gun? He’s tired of being a victim. See that girl all covered up, boots, jeans, I bet even a bra and panties and a covering shirt. That one has the daddy issues. Man had to miss allot of ballet recitals for her to leave home and come here. That’s a rebeller. She’s not here because she finished college after all those years and she just wants to help out and the pay is great, no she’s here because daddy wasn’t. With the right words, the right hand gestures everyone of them are victims. You may not be able to kidnap, rape or torture them, but all of them are victims of some thing or someone. Depending on what you need a victim for. I myself am a victim of my own mind. I see things differently. I make memories with my loved ones. Even if it means removing a hand of an idiot, with my brother’s help. It’s bonding time, memory making. A person with allot to loose is very seldom a victim. We seem to cherish the small things more. Like digging your father out of the grave so you can skull fuck him for abandoning you. Or feeding his bones to a dog so he is far away from your prised mother. Kidnapping woman so HPD will release your wife. So why an ad of* Victims Needed*? Victims are everywhere, the experience is what is needed.

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