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Jailhouse Rock

Jailhouse Rock Jailhouse Rock is a green, powdery rock, each rock approximately the size of a large blueberry. It leaves a powdery residue on the fingers and can be smoked, or crushed and snorted. Price: $20 a rock   Ingredients Crack Cocaine Liquid Oxycodone   Ingestion Method Oral Onset time: Immediate Duration: 90 minute intense high; followed 2-3 hours of drug in effect   Addiction Potential: Extremely High   Positive Effects Rush of euphoric well being Excess of energy Alertness Warmth Tingling sensation or numbness in hands and face   Negative Effects Intense Headache Fatigue Dry Mouth Thirst General malaise that can last for several hours   Additional Information You may talk a lot, begin large projects, experience sudden waves of intense emotion from fury to joy, act impulsively and or have a wave of creative inspiration.

Propane Rage February 13, 2024 February 13, 2024 designer drugs, drugs, factions, gangs, street drugs
Nefarious Concotion

Nefarious Concotion A clear, bitter-tasting liquid supplied in a vial that can be used with a dropper to contaminate beverages, foods, etc. so that it can be ingested orally (by mouth). Vial comes with a purple top. Administrator recommended to disguise taste, if desired, but not put into any citrus beverages.   Ingredients Mescaline Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) Scopolamine Medical Grade LSD (micro dose amount – less than 4% of psychedelic dose)   Ingestion Method Oral Onset time: 20-45 minutes Duration: 6-8 hours   Addiciton potential: High   Positive Effects altered state of consciousness altered thinking and changes in time and perception often described as happy, positive, enjoyable and ‘illuminating’ relaxed/reduced anxiety impaired coordination (clumsiness/lack of efficient movement) initially (about 30 minutes) pain relief prevention of nausea and vomiting stable heart and breathing rate & blood pressure emotional stability drowsy & cooperative initially (about 30 minutes) *After 1 hour of serum taking effect – improved ability to retain learned information, enhanced focus, increased energy possible   Negative Effects moderate to severe nausea or vomiting  headache  dizziness, anxiety/panic attack increased heart rate risk of hurting self or others easily distracted/emotional instability itchy rash/skin crawling feeling limited ability to understand or follow directions  extreme dry mouth/thirsty moderate to severe unpleasant delusions or hallucinations   Additional Information If subject tested is left to go off on their own: Subject could experience mild to severe delusions; pleasant or horrific hallucinations; clouded judgment; no fear of death nor concern of consequences; difficult, sluggish, erratic movements or, no impaired […]

Propane Rage February 13, 2024 February 13, 2024 designer drugs, drugs, factions, gangs, street drugs
Rainbow Road

Rainbow Road It is made in a pink liquid form, water soluable. Much like LSD it is commonly sold on perforated tabs for recreational use on the tongue. Typically sold in sheets of 4 tabs, each tab containing one dose. It can also be purchased in a vial with a dropper. Price: 4 tabs for $35 – vials of liquid available by special request   Ingredients Bufo Toxin Amyl Nitrate GHB MDMA Ketamine   Ingestion Method Oral Onset time: N/A Duration: N/A   Addiction Potential: Extremly High   Positive Effects  *Effects per tab or dosage 1 tab – Slight Lust, warm giddy feeling with energy. Things taste better and you can smell things stronger and more vividly. 2 tabs – Desire to fuck, feeling of happiness and horniness. Colors are vibrant and cartoony; though not wavy. 3 tabs – Dilated eyes, heavy euphoria and a need to connect/bond, feel and touch. Things are a little wavy, nothing can go wrong. 4 tabs – Eyes completely dilated, drooling, and a blank mind. Dripping dumb and stupid, like a k-hole but a very sexualized version, you wouldn’t say no because you can barely babble.   Negative Effects Cravings to keep redosing Blurry vision Catatonic state Unconsciousness *Coming down is hard, with depression and anger likely to follow   Additional Information Coming down is hard, with depression and anger likely to follow.

Propane Rage February 13, 2024 February 13, 2024 designer drugs, factions, gangs, street drugs
Truth Serum Concotion

Truth Serum Concotion Clear, tasteless liquid supplied in a vial that can be used with a dropper to contaminate beverages, foods, etc. so that it can be ingested orally (by mouth), or it can be injected. Vial comes with a blue top. Ingredients Versed Sodium thiopental Scopolamine Ketamine Ingestion method Oral Onset time: 15-20 minutes Duration: 2 hours; hangover effects can last up to 36 hours Injection Onset time: immediate Duration: 1 hour; hangover effects can last up to 36 hours   Addiction Potential: High   Positive Effects memory loss while drug is in effect alkative and cooperative with others inhibited ability to lie mild drowsiness but still able to communicate & cooperate with instructions given by others nausea and vomiting prevention  pleasant/giddy mood physical dissociation (out of body feeling) difficulty moving around unassisted  some suggestibility/brainwashing potential   Negative Effects verbal responses disorganized, slurred, delayed, or hard to understand limited ability to understand or follow directions nausea and/or vomiting, severe headache agitation/anger extreme dry mouth/thirsty unable to urinate causing extreme discomfort and less cooperation excessive drowsiness/sleepiness hallucinations or delirium moderate panic attack/bad trip/k-holes   Additional Information FULLY Effective – all or most DESIRED EFFECTS from above with NO NEGATIVE EFFECTS Effect – 5-7 DESIRED EFFECTS with 1-3 NEGATIVE EFFECTS Effect – May not be able to tell the truth, but unable to trick; 1-4 NEGATIVE EFFECTS – choose from above Effect – Prone to telling the truth, but has the ability to mislead. Memory is hazy after event, but knows […]

Propane Rage February 7, 2024 February 13, 2024 designer drugs, drugs, factions, gangs, street drugs
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