HRH Lara Windsor II
That’s a great idea. Let me know if I can help.
That’s a great idea. Let me know if I can help.
Love this. Lara’s often in the comic store as its a cool place for teens so if times work out I’ll try and get involved but if not, be good to see an active lead in place to rp with 🙂
Jimmy will make a great bar owner and I can see this driving a lot of story for him – I like that, like Lara, he has found a love for this quirky and quaint little town- I hope he realises his property may get vandalised by a certain teenager.
There’s a button on the hud to reattach the character card – so it effectively does the same thing I think you mean?
A B&B is certainly a pleasant addition, for people and visitors who’d rather not stay at the grimy and run down Inn. Being in District 8 allows it to be a bit more upmarket than your usual Hathian hellhole and I love seeing more activity these days in that area.
Just ask any of the admins – Blue, Peri or Alex – can re-add you.
Welcome back Maddie.
Welcome to CD Maliha.
A few of us CD youths have been toying with the idea of a new youth gang but youth players activity and times can be erratic and many are alts of existing adult characters, so there may not be as much consistency with activity and time online as full time characters.
So something where a gang might still be considered active even if its not full…[Read more]
I like this idea a lot. It definitely might encourage more interaction than just staying in the cells.
I’ve played CD hookers a few times – even ran a gang of them once. I kept a tally of everything that was ever paid to me – even if people paid silly money you would still need to give most of that to a pimp or maybe the motel if you are using their facilities, but even if they are paying you $1,000 for an hour if it’s someone you don’t want to…[Read more]
Welcome. 🙂
I think the Inn is a place that has a lot of potential. The main side of the business in Hathian is the hookers who use the motel, how will you factor those into your plans?
Whilst I’ll never be involved in-character, OOC I know Wade’s a fantastic lead and rp’er and this is in her wheelhouse.
Welcome to CD 🙂
Having a diner youth avatars can visit is a great idea. I fully support it.
Lara would enjoy a bit of roller derby 😄