Noobothrallo Resident
Please feel free to contact me, John North. Some follow up roleplay after the jail stay would be welcomed
Please feel free to contact me, John North. Some follow up roleplay after the jail stay would be welcomed
I have always enjoyed my Roleplay with colt as well as the other people that will be involved. If there have been issues we have always work them out and found a middle ground that we were happy with. I like the idea of the Regulators. I also feel that this will open up another avenue that often does not get explored in Crackden. It is not an…[Read more]
Myself and Noa are talking about plans that we would like to try. We will like;y be reaching out to people to see if we can pull them off. Thank you again, all of you for all of your posts
thank you for your comments, it means a lot to us. We look forward to getting to rp with you 🙂
We both would like to rp with anyone that comes up with is. Theses ideas were just our starting point. Depending on how things go they could evolve to be something more. Anyone that is willing or wanting to have their car, stolen, chopped, or perhaps even damaged, please let us know
John here. I am around the sim a bit more. This character was on a break for a while. However I used to run with the OSMC. I just like to role play have fun. I will try and answer any questions that come up to the best of my ability
I mean, selling sex is one of the oldest professions out there in the world. They had a huge influence out in the ” wild west” in helping people get settled, building schools and towns. Would be curious to see if they could put on a bit of a power play, perhaps even blackmail a few people with actions that they would not want to go public. Could…[Read more]
Always handy to have another law firm on the sim and in the area. Could be fun to see different law firms trying to out to the other one or also try to one up the other depending on the cases. Looking forward to seeing where it is going
it could be intresting to see how that unfolds. I have been in crackden a little bit as well as other sims by i have never come across something like that
Welcome to crack den. I have returned on a different character myself. perhaps we come across each other during the development of the rp stories. I wish you good luck!
Hope that anyone who is reading this is having a great day. The character I am playing in John North. He has been working in the lumber industry for most of his life but with the recent changes that have been brought forth by the political scene, he found himself locked out of his work place. John is now trying to make his way in…[Read more]