Alexandra Markus
I would also point out that the Hathian and Backwaters areas are not really….conducive to fine dining xD
But there are places that aren’t fast food!
I would also point out that the Hathian and Backwaters areas are not really….conducive to fine dining xD
But there are places that aren’t fast food!
I have the confidence that Annika will be an excellent leader. She has taken on all this responsibility while I have been unavailable due to my RL expanding and exploding and with my health issues. While I worked closely with her, the ideas and the stories she wishes to create have been her own and she always puts the gang first before herself.…[Read more]
Matthew’s just the fellow to make Bate’s a memorable pit stop for a great roleplay experience, and if he needs cameras and talent for this amateur porn angle, the XXX Shop will be happy to offer assistance. XXX Films could possibly do a location shoot there, too! Stuff like this should definitely happen.
This proposal had me at the mention of raves. I really miss a regular weekend bash, and if a genuine DJ is running it then it should be awesome. Count me in for spinning a few tunes if some form of techno takes your fancy!
Viper Update
Please recount one or more ways in which your group brought RP to the sim as a whole (i.e. Sim wide stories, stories that involved someone or others outside your group)
Gun shipments have been secured coming through Laveau from secret meetings and contacts made there.
Ongoing bad relationship with Z and her cronies and the…[Read more]
Great proposal, you have my support!
There were three! HGH for for Hathian, Stillwaters Asylum for Backwaters, and the Gym on campus for CU.
I absolutely love this! Wilbur has been around a lot, and I have enjoyed every RP I have seen him in. The premise of this is great and we need a completely different faction in the city like this. It makes sense. I don’t know Wilbur OOC but IC he is great. I really hope this lasts and lasts!!
The Vipers
Please recount one or more ways in which your group brought RP to the sim as a whole:
Over the months since the last update, we have been very busy extending ourselves into other avenues and creating a niche for ourselves in the overrun gang presence in Hathian.
We have ongoing interactions with the Pharmacy Owner by doing various…[Read more]
Please give your feedback and suggestions for this business proposal (in a constructive manner!) for this proposer to review, respond to, and take into account should they go forward as the Lead! For more information on how proposals work:
Labor Union
By…[Read more]
Please give your feedback and suggestions for this business proposal (in a constructive manner!) for this proposer to review, respond to, and take into account should they go forward as the Lead! For more information on how proposals work:
After Shift Bar
By…[Read more]
Please give your feedback and suggestions for this business proposal (in a constructive manner!) for this proposer to review, respond to, and take into account should they go forward as the Lead! For more information on how proposals work:
The Wiener Wagon
By…[Read more]