Noah Birdie
I like the proposal you have made. I’m curious to see how you balance having such an expensive level of product with the nature of the sim being more impoverished.
I like the proposal you have made. I’m curious to see how you balance having such an expensive level of product with the nature of the sim being more impoverished.
Jess is perfect for this role. She offers great and creative story, has been fantastic with the employees as a lead under Piper, and is a natural fit.
I know with Zeek at the helm this would be fantastic. He is a great story driver and fantastic fun to engage with and loves to draw people in.
Absolutely thumbs up to this. I’ve seen great roleplay and ideas from you and I think you would make a fantastic lead for the shop. We’ll have to work some donut/pizza cross promotions together!
Who doesn’t indeed? 😀
Last I looked they were all locked, but I assume that would be something that would be easily enough fixed once things get going.
Thank you so much for the support!
Thank you both for the support! I appreciate it!
Even if I am posting this under duress and threat of assault… ahem… I really like the ideas listed above and Cross is definitely good at bringing stories to the table and an incredible writer. I think he would be a valued business leader.