LovieBecker Resident
I love the theater as my alt Tala ran it for over q dhanceyear. I also adore Kaid. He os an awesome rpr, even as I have not had a chance to rp with him for a few uears. I truly look forward to what he does
I love the theater as my alt Tala ran it for over q dhanceyear. I also adore Kaid. He os an awesome rpr, even as I have not had a chance to rp with him for a few uears. I truly look forward to what he does
I love the theaer s my alt Tata ran it for 5 year. I also love Kaiden, Even as it has been a few years since I played with him, I do know he is an solid player, I got to say I approve on him. Good lich Kaid
I love this. I know the writrer who has interesting and exciting ideas. Look foward to what she brigs
I like this and I love Charlie. He is an active player and is always on to stir the fun in rp Lovie has not really played with hi,, Just Tala has and it is always a blast . Good luck Chaelie I can not wait to see what you do with the place
I love the idea of Eigene running the weed shop, I have played with him numerous times this summer. He has a solid well-defined character. I look forward to seeing what he does with the place.
Ava is a fun and creative rpr. Very active in Blackwater. I love the proposal that she has put forth. I would love to see the bar active again.
I love the idea of the clinic being active again. It is much needed to have an active full-time doctor in BW. I have rpd with Yaden once. It was bright and creative. He is a very good roleplayer. I believe he will bring something creative to the community. As for a reopening event. I do believe there should be one. It will give you a chance to…[Read more]
I have known and rpd with Driscoll for many years in this and different charators he has. I have always found him to be a fair and enjoyable person. Always full of creative rps and ideas. Helpful to other players. I think this is a well-thought-out proposal. I can see this being a success