active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
  • 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    Junji033 Resident

    replied to the topic strange encounter in the forum OOC Bench 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    so i have read all the comments and thank you for your feedback wasnt sure how to report abuse. I will do something else next time but will explain the incident i guess more with gloves on the forum so that people are aware. People should be aware of how new players who are different are being treated. Being semi still new myself i understand…[Read more]

  • 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    Junji033 Resident

    Name : Shiloh Gates

    Age : 22

    Zodiac : Leo

    Backstory: Shiloh is a mentally unwell person who also has a huge interest in human psychology (ironically) it has become his passion. Born to Jeninsai and Larkin (pig) Gates, He grew up in a rural town where his parents took their satanic religion and decided to use it as a means to carry out very…[Read more]

  • 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    Junji033 Resident

    Name : Shiloh Gates

    Age : 22

    Zodiac : Leo

    Backstory: Shiloh is a mentally unwell person who also has a huge interest in human psychology (ironically) it has become his passion. Born to Jeninsai and Larkin (pig) Gates, He grew up in a rural town where his parents took their satanic religion and decided to use it as a means to carry out very…[Read more]

  • 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    Junji033 Resident

    Name : Shiloh Gates

    Age : 22

    Zodiac : Leo

    Backstory: Shiloh is a mentally unwell person who also has a huge interest in human psychology (ironically) it has become his passion. Born to Jeninsai and Larkin (pig) Gates, He grew up in a rural town where his parents took their satanic religion and decided to use it as a means to carry out very…[Read more]

  • 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    Junji033 Resident

    replied to the topic strange encounter in the forum OOC Bench 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    and something i forgot to note up ahead- the senior gave permission and even their friend they were with stated this. * Sorry don’t wanna leave any details out as i go over it. One of the girls walked off because she felt like this lady was being aggressive which rightfully so, though we explained to her to not walk off without dismissing but at…[Read more]

  • 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    Junji033 Resident

    replied to the topic strange encounter in the forum OOC Bench 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    and i forgot to mention she threatened the girl who wasn’t even in the scene with her that she was reporting her ? this girl wasnt even trying to have a scene with her or nothing like why people are so weird?” you’re not in your own bedroom playing barbie dolls at 3 am lady, lol youre around many people im not sure if youre aware. If anything,…[Read more]

  • 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    Junji033 Resident

    Started the topic strange encounter in the forum OOC Bench 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    Ngl had the worst time last night with three other new players. As Ive been slowly learning literally everything for role play and whats expected of newer players, it was not great to have to deal with helping 3 even newer players into cd. After going over the rules with the three newbies in the sim and how they have to post order, approach the…[Read more]

  • 10 months ago

    Junji033 Resident

    replied to the topic help in the forum OOC Bench 10 months ago

    Thank you! For responding to me , i am new to forums so I’m not sure how to reply to individual comments just yet or if you can do it at that.

    I appreciate you guys and your feedbacks! i will make sure to reach out to you guys in world

  • 10 months ago

    Junji033 Resident

    Started the topic court house in the forum Feedback / Suggestions 10 months ago

    Hear me out, it would be really awesome and realistic but also comical if hathian had a court house. It could offer more jobs and connections this way but also scenes that could be unforgettable. Youd need to have more job positions available like judge and people being stuck on jury duty, inmates getting shackled up I could see so much for this.…[Read more]

  • 10 months ago

    Junji033 Resident

    Started the topic psych ward in the forum Feedback / Suggestions 10 months ago

    A psych ward we already have here but it would be a nice addition to adding points as my character and im sure others have mental health issues and spend time in the mental ward.  Not so sure if its also adding to the point system for staying like HGH

  • 10 months ago

    Junji033 Resident

    Started the topic court house in the forum Feedback / Suggestions 10 months ago

    adding a court house that you can actually get into. It would add to more role play scenes with a humorous edge if crack den /Hathian had a court house, you can just imagine and reporters outside on big events. I realized yesterday the court house is just there but not actually able to get into. If it was an actual building with an actually court…[Read more]

  • 10 months ago

    Junji033 Resident

    Started the topic help in the forum OOC Bench 10 months ago

    Hello, New to CD – as a person who is willing and ready to learn with fellow friends along and will help bring many more as I enter and discover my own part into crack Den region. The issue I’m having as i make my way through to understand what is being asked of my character, im realizing that people don’t want to be helpful most of the time and…[Read more]

  • 10 months ago

    Junji033 Resident

    replied to the topic Teaching on Campus in the forum Columtreal University 10 months ago

    as a person who is an online student, The way the website for the school is set up a lot different than how you would perceive the school once in attendance. I attend this to have a kind normalcy in place of not attending in person classes with expectations on the school being related to actually courses but with people giving out knowledge who…[Read more]