Great intro! Excited to see where it goes!
You just click edit and change your text to say “delete” lol.
If you are still around, hit me up.
I know this is a bit of a necro on the post but I wanted to chime in on this. I think I am a bit disappointed to see a little bit of an attack on my leadership in this thread. A little backstory: When I was leading HGH for a long time, I was in college and did my rp around school and work. I eventually left HGH For a bit and the next lead…[Read more]
Having RP’d with Lolli in the past I fully endorse this! She has run a few independent RP businesses in the past and they were always fun! I think she’d be a perfect fit!
Seeing as this is a college, it might be a good idea to have an area, board, or office dedicated to “Job Placement” where students looking to make some cash or credit towards classes can go to. I know that as the Prison Warden, Alison would be actively seeking 18 years and older people to work as Correctional Officers either as full time or part…[Read more]
Thank you all for your support! I do hope I can bring some fun RP mid/long term stories for those that wish to breathe life into the prison! Let’s get some storytelling started soon folks!
This is the CD-Verse, I assume everyone is corrupt! But if there is corruption by the guards, they’ll need to tread carefully about it cause ICly my character bends the rules only so far, so consequences are a thing. As far as an “established gang” I don’t think it’s necessary currently because I don’t have a firm headcount of who is and isn’…[Read more]
More than happy to! I’d love to have a system in place for Correctional Officers to fill out a “nightly” report for the Warden to review. This would be the “Euro Time Zone” players so I could be kept in the loop and make sure that everyone is catered to, even when I am offline.
As far as time zones go, I absolutely understand the frustration and I cannot promise there will be support during Euro hours BUT I would hope that I would find someone willing to help out in those time zones. I don’t like making promises I cannot keep and I am in GMT-4 so I have very limited hours already.
Sounds great to me I look forward to collaborating with players on their ideas!
If I need to drop the Harlots Group I shall do so, I have no problems following the rules and not having conflicting interests!
I would ideally like a bunch of these things to be player and story driven. If we have prisoners of different gangs incarcerated you could have a gang inspired fight. Lockdowns, riots, gang fights, could end up being regular events depending on whom and how long players wish to remain incarcerated.
HPD wouldn’t really run the prison, more along the lines of escorting and transporting prisoners to the prison which would fall under the LSD jurisdiction. Kind of a cooperation between departments and the prison can become a dumping ground for our much more dangerous inmates.
This is actually an awesome idea for work release! Would have to obviously be worked out with the player and HPD/Legal System which in turn is even more RP!
Love the idea. I guess it will help a lot creating enormous opportunities of role play. I strongly second that.