Jet Lannock
Ash Allerhand
Ash Allerhand
Haha…Well, Why kind of did divulge that desire to “harm others” 😛
Ash is my alt and is a Psychiatrist in CD. Unfortunately, I can’t remember his password for the forums and the email that’s sent doesn’t seem to provide a link to reset it. So, I’ll be posting for him.
Ash is available upon request, and is easiest to message me to set up roleplay for him, as I’m usually on as Jet unless Ash has an appointment s…[Read more]
I think it’s a great idea. Until then, can use a titler, too.
Sounds fun 😀
I would only ask someone for clarification in their post, or message if I thought they were metagaming or power gaming. I also try not to judge others too hard on what they’re wearing or what their AV looks like. In my opinion, we’re here to create a story mostly with words and immerse into it. I think the weather HUD is a fun addition for pe…[Read more]
I’m not sure if this has been reported already or not, but the Roster in the Civil Service building is not logging time.
As someone who played in Dead End years ago, it’s nice seeing remnants of it in CD. Gives that “home” feel to those of us who have been away for awhile and just now returning. Looking forward to seeing all the updates!
Hello all! I’ve been around about a month and have had some really great RP and met some really fun people so far. I thank everyone for the welcome!
Jet basically lived a really hard life in his previous town. His parents were abusive, on drugs/alcoholics. He pretty much raised himself and spent a lot of time on the streets. He was take…[Read more]
Welcome! I’m fairly new myself (about a month in). Look forward to running into you ICly.
I really like the ideas you have. Just another suggestion – I’d like to see some community dance parties. Maybe CD has them and I just haven’t been around long enough, but it seems like the only options for an actual “date” are a bar, out to eat, or the movies. A dance every now then would be fun.
Great suggestion!
I’m not sure what it takes to get approval on private land, but I own a piece of land in Devil’s pocket…I’d be happy to let someone build a youth detention center in a skybox above my property depending on the amount of land impact you’d need….it wouldn’t be able to be on the ground because adult activities happen there….and I don’t want…[Read more]