Dontavius Streeter
Nika is very good at engaging and developing story around the sim with characters new and old alike. She’d be great for the lead for the bakery! Best of luck Nika!
Nika is very good at engaging and developing story around the sim with characters new and old alike. She’d be great for the lead for the bakery! Best of luck Nika!
I’ve had the chance to play with scrounges character Matt for a few years now. The player is for sure a good fit and has a well rounded character that would also be great fit for the position whose background makes sense for the role.
I actually got the opportunity to play around him fairly recently at the motel, while he was clerking, a…[Read more]
IMO Jess would be an amazing choice for this position. As the city might be aware Rejects, as a crew, has actively been involved in drawing RP to this location for a very long time and a constant staple in the groups RP. One of the things various members have recently been doing is releasing songs to the public through the association with Raders…[Read more]
<p>Yeah I like this idea. I use clam a lot. Had I guess around at least two years playing around Charlie as a character and OOC in comms between gang combat, OOC groups. Always fun, always got a great story to tell. I’d love to see this happen. I think he’d be a great leader for it. Clam falling back on it roots of a shady spot is an awesome idea…[Read more]
Summary of Rejects’ Activities (Nov-Dec)
Simwide Stories and Interactions
Rader’s Hiring Spree:
We increased the separation between Rejects’ criminal activities and the legitimate business.
Some hires led to betrayals, and major conflicts, including murder and another near-death incident.
Jeep Theft:
Rejects stole and dumped a…[Read more]
I can appreciate the thought that went into this proposal and I like the IC possibilities. I’ve always known Chas to chase the RP; be friendly, active, and engaging. If you get it Chas, I’d be happy to help out IC anyway I can. I can see tons of cool RP coming from a shop like this. And whos knows with your activity and energy levels I can see…[Read more]
I know a couple of the players involved, one of them for more than a five years now, and have never had any type of misgivings or bad interactions with them. They communicate well, are respectful in ooc interactions, and have always weaved entertaining and engageable stories.