@dharyus-residentdharyus-resident’s Docs
Title | Created | Last Edited | Tags | |
Law Casefile Skeleton
Case file Number : ###DDMMYYYYHALA (This would start with a 3 digit number, the originating case request date, and the HALA for the city and state zoning) Plaintiff : Name of client. Defendant : Name of perp. Case Particulars: Information of case, evidence, and desired outcome. Witness List: Anyone else involved to be called in for deposition or evidence. Staff involved: Any CS members involved in the case. |
April 21, 2015 | April 21, 2015 | ||
Social Work Casefile Skeleton
Casefile Number : @@@DDMMYYYYHALA (3 letters differentiate between law and social, date and location) Client Name: Purpose of Claim: (child welfare, adult welfare and reasoning) Case Particulars: (information regarding case) Declared Outcome: (What is occurring with the claim/case) Followup Information: (Are there need for referring to law/therapy) Referrals: (CS members needed to become involved) |
April 21, 2015 | April 21, 2015 |