Deklan "Heretic" Ravenheart
I know I’m not about much these days but from what I can see, he’d be a great fit.
I know I’m not about much these days but from what I can see, he’d be a great fit.
Seems like a great idea and a lot of fun in the making. I wish my characters actually partook. I will start spreading IC rumors though of it around town. I heard this, I heard that, sort of deal. Good luck!
You are correct in saying that unless you’re on the hathian main SIM you don’t get xp for rping. I get why that is though since all the surrounding SIMs have a lot of homes in them. People would get XP just for staying home and camping. I do really love the idea of different drugs offered in different areas though. We tried to get that ball…[Read more]
Near the college and those issues have been known for a very long time now with that location.
It’s really excellent to see that updates are being done. It’s greatly appreciated. Thank you for your personal time and effort in this.
I love the rain and the rain system. I use it myself on my personal land. When used in a SIM that isn’t swamped with pose balls and lagging textures it works perfectly fine and doesn’t need to be derendered. Just FYI so people don’t hate on the company that makes the rain system. The fact that Nadir had set it up to reflect RL weather still amazes…[Read more]
Completely agree with all this positive feedback. Mike is an absolutely awesome roleplayer, not to mention a great person in general. I can see him putting in not just the time but the effort as well to keep the PA moving in a forward and all-inclusive direction. I can only see this being a good thing and I do wish Cordy all the best of luck on…[Read more]
Remember also that you have the Hathian Observer (newspaper) that you can NPC articles in that state gruesome murders so while people may have limits you can post up about NPCs that didn’t and were discovered mauled/etc somewhere. You can tie those in with your character and in that way, those that survive are the ‘lucky’ ones.
Hit up an admin. They can send you an invite.
There is no solution. It’s been a known bug for years. Just ignore it.
1) The idea of a bounty hunter and bails bondsman is outstanding. We used to have someone that did this but they didn’t actively go out and attempt to get bounties from the cops that I am aware of. I could be wrong. In either case, I think this would be great to see.
2) I have concerns as I’ve noticed over the past few years that you, as…[Read more]
1) I love this idea. You have run some great businesses during your time in CD and I really look forward to you running this one as well.
2) You can buy a van and open it up whitelisted drivers, it’s what I do for Hathian Motors. I have a van in the lot with three people on the white list allowed to drive it so if there are drop-offs and pick ups…[Read more]
I absolutely love this idea. I think this is one of the most fleshed out proposals I’ve seen. I wish you all the luck and hopefully, this will give EU players somewhere to go to have someone to RP with during those early morning hours.
Running any arms at all in CD must first be approved by the Admins but from what I remember I think he did get approval? I’m not sure though. My memory is fuzzy on the best of days.
I like Cross, cool guy. I’ve RPed with him before a few times. Would love to see him get his hands on the Rub n Tug. What I’d also like to see is more ideas on what he has in mind for this business. It’s great to hire people in person and offer discounts but what are you going to do to help create stories for those that go there or those that work…[Read more]
Brandie is, and always has been to my recollection, a fantastic RPer. She’s fair, she’s friendly (especially to those OOC even if the story has her not liking your character IC), and has a lot of hopes for the Pawn Shop. It’ll be nice to see it worked and have actual people to interact with inside. I can attest to Brandie saying she will NOT…[Read more]
This sounds like an epic idea. You are very right to say that doing in world movies/shows become difficult when trying only to utilize the screen there. The few times I’ve used it I’ve used external movie sources and RPed it was in world. With that being said having more events there besides just the movie is perfect. I think it’s also a location…[Read more]
Is this clean up and revamping the SIMs going to affect future renting ability until you are done? If so, do you know when this should be completed? I know there is no such thing as an exact date, just a general ballpark figure. I’m only asking because I might be renting up land again here within the next week or two.
You could bring your own ring with you and just rez it out wherever you choose to be that week. Say that you have a crew for set up and take downs.
I did leave a message on your announcement in Twitter but I’ll do so here as well. I know Lou’s Bar has an underground area where there’s already a fight pit. Hathian Motor’s has a sizeable parking lot. Labor Union also has a sizeable parking lot. I believe as well does Radar Records. What might be good is to host them in a place that’s less seen…[Read more]