Damien Poza

active 9 years, 4 months ago
  • 9 years, 4 months ago

    Damien Poza

    Damien works as one of the union reps for the City. In this roleplay he currently works with established contractors and Pirates Cove Imports & Exports to bring in supplies for local businesses and individuals for local jobs with this construction job. He will let local businesses borrow money for said repairs to keep them from having to wait…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 4 months ago

    Damien Poza

    Damien works as one of the union reps for the City. In this roleplay he currently works with established contractors and Pirates Cove Imports & Exports to bring in supplies for local businesses and individuals for local jobs with this construction job. He will let local businesses borrow money for said repairs to keep them from having to wait…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 4 months ago

    Damien Poza

    Love all these ideas. Also there is a group that does theater productions called “Theater on the hill.” they might be willing to work with you to put on smaller theater productions for the citizens. Even if not might be a good way to veil the appearance of it by having the event they are putting on if to big to house on sim to link to their events for a night out for the citizens. Might not, just a suggestion since its all in the theater arts arena.

  • 9 years, 4 months ago

    Damien Poza

    Thats a good question Kian. One big difference is Damien isnt asking for them to bring anything in but a signature. All loans are unsecured. Given on the basis that he sees something he can get out them if they dont pay up. Young and hot chicks get any amount of cash they want because the length of time the loan is in effect they owe him one way or another. He has four “Associates” already in well established role play characters who will help get them into selling drugs, hooking or just petty crimes like robbing local businesses to get money however they can to pay back the loan and the 50% interest. One payment missed compounds interest so its nearly impossible to get out of the hole they keep digging for themselves. He also offers long term like a currently made car loan and 10K to keep a secret. So not many people living in this city have anything worth that kind of money to pawn to get it. He is operating more as a bank than as a pawn shop. If adding the bail bonds side of it conflicts with your role plays I am happy to leave that off. As a citizen I wasnt aware there was anyone working that. My character has a drug business he plans on running under the front of the loans. So his goal is to get people addicted and use the ones who cant pay back out there selling it for him to take the heat off him. So this forces long term roleplays that will also pull in other businesses and encorage roleplay of pan handling and increase the over all crime rate in the city to cover their loans. Every town has both payday loans and pawn shops so I dont think there is that much of a similarity. If the community thinks so I could evolve it into a Bank. But your argument would still probably be the same. Thanks for the feedback. I look forward to hearing what others have to say on it.

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Damien Poza

    Laughs Thanks for that feedback Val. That is exactly what he was going for. I think having him include bail bondsman in with it will keep him looking like the good guy who is just laying in the weeds waiting to be anything but. It is really being received well. He has already made a car loan to a girl who works part time. His 50% interest rate wasnt even noticed when she was so excited to be getting her car. Come into the web said the spider to the fly.

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Damien Poza

    Hello Emma,

    Its a business that currently has a store front. Just opened it up today in fact. Its located in Devils Pocket. Right across from the corn maze. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Devils%20Pocket/23/162/34 IF the SLURL works. I will be running it alone for now. When business picks up I would welcome employees. He will be out on the streets shaking hands and using the Observer and The Citizens group chat to let people know when he is available. Also a sign indicating online or offline will be used. So if he is out they can just shoot him a message to return to the office for a little roleplay. Thanks so much for your question.

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Damien Poza

    Love all the ideas and the intent to connect to other businesses in the community. The personalized contact with the employees and students is another nice touch that can go a long way toward keeping roleplayers here and actively involved. Having someone closely involved offering one on one attention has the potential to bring in lots of other youth from other sims. This of course would make their adult characters potential citizens too. This all sounds great and she sounds like she would be the perfect person to get this happening.

  • 9 years, 5 months ago

    Damien Poza

    City works department. Damien Poza is interested in running and hiring city workers to maintain the busted up integrity of the streets and construction sights. Willing to handle any and all construction site business licenses and permits if they are willing to pay extra to get put on the top of the list. He will work hard to uphold the community standards of being an all around evil guy who will steal, rape, and abuse any and all potential people given the opportunity. He comes with a few tractors, shovels, and other road repair and construction equipment to get the job done.

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