• 11 years, 2 months ago


    Cohanna Posted an update 11 years, 2 months ago

    Well…I guess I should; here are my stats and little bio. If anyone wishes to know more about me, seek me ICly and lets Roll 😛

    Name: Cohanna aka Coh *hates her last name*
    Age: 21
    Features: Red hair, Green eyes, Tanned Complexion
    Ethnicity: Biracial
    Status: Dating Eric Lucid
    Tattoo/Piercings: Tattoo’ed Upper Body, Nose ring & Lip ring & Ears
    Jobs: Lou’s BarBack
    Campus Job Soon* I hope
    Education: Dundalk Community College AA in BM
    Columtreal University Freshman
    Pocket: Phone, Cash, Keys, ID, Smokes & Lighter

    Addicted to all things music and tattoos; she is often found working at Lous trying to make money to save up. She has big dreams and along with her Dj boyfriend, they both hope to save money saved to start a club and a little hostel. She also has enrolled back into school, but is going to have to rely on financial aid so working on campus sound crummy but gets the bills paid. When she isn’t working or in school she is thinking about her next tattoo..like she has room or dancing at Insomnia or Lous. Friendly, people person, and all around PROUD NERD.

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