Aylee Starchild

active 3 months, 2 weeks ago

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Meeting Oliver

[23:14] Tári Mero A’noh (aylee.starchild) smiles seeing a matching outfit that was hard to miss. “that hat is fabulous.” her tone was sincere as she walked up admiring the size of the hat. “what a lovely color.” [23:18] .:Olivier (obsidianlethrone) turns his sights away from the poster, a trail of smoke following the trail of his own head turning to follow. A bright smile graced his features. “Thanks, sweetie!” Reaching up, he touched upon the brim as if ready to pull it off. “I like this color too. It’s so flashy, I love flashy. I was thinking pink but I thought it’d be too much.” A glance to the girl’s outfit and a brighter smile. I think you’d pull it off nicely thought!” [23:18] Now playing: JENNIE – You & Me [23:21] Now playing: Conan Gray – Killing Me [23:21] Tári Mero A’noh (aylee.starchild) she smiled in return to the flamboyant creature before her. What a wonder. “Oh go big or go home, I say. Your outfit is so cute. I think you could even enhance it with the right body chain. It would add even more flair to it. You are the most iconic person I have seen so far.” she said with a subtle bit of russian accent flavoring her words. It was harder to hide since she had a little to drink. [23:24] .:Olivier (obsidianlethrone) looked down as if trying to visualize her suggestion. Lips pursed in a thoughtful manner. “Hmmmmm… Yeah, that might be cute.” Sights […]

Aylee Starchild January 27, 2024 January 27, 2024
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