alexmiguel69 Resident
Learning to do that and align my expectations. Thanks, Jack!
Learning to do that and align my expectations. Thanks, Jack!
Hey all,
I’ve been in and out of SL for over a decade and every time I find myself building this deep backstory that I never really successfully flesh out. RL and time zone issues are more often than not, the reasons behind my losing steam and eventually making my exit only to find myself back and wanting to start anew. I’m sure that’s not…[Read more]
Hey Hathian 🙂 Back in SL after some time. New account, new character, same lousy Internet. SLT+15 makes it difficult to catch people around but looking forward to the occasional random scene at the very least. Working at Rader Records and living in Delphine. See profile picks for more info 🙂
This is exciting. I’ve always wanted to walk into and out of Hathian without skipping the areas between home and the city. Recently moved to Delphine and looking forward to the possibility of roleplaying in that neighborhood and those along the way. Thank you 🙂