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Public Group  |  active 1 year, 1 month ago ago

Youth characters in Hathian

Street Family

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Tessi snowpaw tessi-snowpaw 14 years, 7 months ago.

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Profile photo of onyxnirvana



Hi! I play a 16 year old in the CD. I am looking to start a RP family, a street family. This would be there are no adult parents at the moment, but that Onyx (my character) would be the "mom", and the older kids would care for the younger ones. This is an alternative family RP for kids that maybe are more troubled, or don't trust adults, or just don't fit in with a normal family. For example, a child that has a more violent background and gets in a lot of trouble might want to stay out of the shadows of the social services and opt for a street family instead. This family would be pretty secret ICly, and they would primarily live on the outskirts of Hathian and in other sims (Currently Onyx used her b-day money to get a trailer in Devil's Pocket). That is because a street family would want to keep their existence quiet, they wouldn't want to risk being broken up by social services.They would probably be a little more reckless then some kids, but that is really depending on the characters and their backgrounds. A lot of the havoc they would wreak they would do together, and they would generally all be close. They won't be rich, and life wouldn't be totally happy go lucky, but that's the fun of the RP right. They would all work together to support their family and get by.

Since Onyx would be the "mom", for lack of a better word at the moment, I'll tell you a tiny bit about her. She's always had that motherly instinct, from taking care of tons of kids in group homes and on the streets. She has problems, as does most of the people in CD, if not all. She tries to be as nice as she can, but when she needs to protect herself or her loved ones she can be a total fighter, she is extremely protective. She feels lonely in Hathian, and she is always willing to take in kids, she has always wanted a family, but she is almost....afraid, again for lack of a better word, of parents.

If you want your child character to participate in this street family you can either IM Onyx Nirvana in world, reply to this thread, or approach me in Hathian and RP your way into the family. OOCly Im super friendly and Im not picky at all about how you wanna join the RP. 😀

April 22, 2010 at 3:17 am
Profile photo of damien



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April 22, 2010 at 6:53 am
Profile photo of rabid-bedlam



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April 22, 2010 at 1:32 pm
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July 26, 2010 at 3:13 pm
Profile photo of Tessi snowpaw



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July 26, 2010 at 3:39 pm
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