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    Nadir Taov

Seaside Youth

Public Group  |  active 1 year, 1 month ago ago

Youth characters in Hathian

Seaside School

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of liviacray-resident liviacray-resident 11 years, 9 months ago.

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Profile photo of liviacray-resident



I have been thinking quite a bit about Seaside since I've started playing a teenager. I remember when it used to be a very integral part of CD. In fact it had a sim that hosted it all to itself.

Right now it's placement on the edge of Hathian is good. I think it's a convenient location. However there are some thing I feel could improve role play there.

At the moment it's somewhat unusable as an actual school. Its a tad cartoony and reminds me more of a daycare center than an actual school. So the things I feel might help make it more useable and encourage youth RP are :

A Rebuild - There is room to have a school with classrooms for junior youth and senior youth AND have an area for a 'playground' with really just needs to be somewhere with grass, maybe a basketball court and some benches. A canteen would be a great idea too.

Staff - Not necessarily a lead. Just staff who are willing to RP with kids on a semi regular basis. They can even be 'part time' staff. so that the players don't feel like they have to dedicate all their RP to Seaside. Hathian is a poor city after all. It may not be able to afford full time staff.

Staff could advertise classes in the new calendar and through Audrina in the group notices. If there was to be a rebuild, this could also give an opportunity to offer classrooms for a few select subjects.

Subjects - Have specific subjects. Not all schools have every subject available under the sun. So neither should Seaside.

By letting people know what's on offer, it can entice them to role play with that. A tenth grader who studies woodwork and metal work could go on to be a carpenter, a mechanic, a panel beater. A seventh grader who decides they want to start Painting could exhibit work to the Shen Gallery of Fine Art and so on and so forth.

Examples of subjects could be: For the older kids : Art | Metal & Wood Work | Information Technology | Mechanics | Science

For the younger kids : Art | English | Science | Drama

And so on and so forth.

What do you guys think?

May 22, 2013 at 5:03 pm
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