The Fishtown Family Practice is now open and looking for staff. The FDH will be asked to take any minors to the clinic instead of HG, and we'll try to focus the kid RP there, away from the more adult oriented RP. I"m putting in an office for a shrink/counselor, Hali is highly interested in being a part of this as well since we're working together on the summer camp and clinic.
We are looking for staff...front desk/nurses/a few more doctors, Dr. Mal will be head doc. The Clinic will specialize in maternity/delivery/ob-gyn/birth control and kid sicknesses/health. If interested please msg either myself or Malevolent Mesmeriser. You can also express interest here and I will contact you in world if I know your full name.
We also have an LM to it, just msg for it, it's obviously located in Fishtown, but between Hali's house and my Asylum. Far SE corner. Juvie will be located right near there as well.
Thanks to any and all interested in this, we hope to see you there!