So i've been getting some complaints about behavior at the school and as much as i resort to banning as a last resort, i won't hesitate to be the bastard here and ban at this point for the following:
1. bringing OOC into open/main chat - OOC should never take place in open/main chat unless absolutely necessary. while i understand at times everyone goes OOC to laugh about a thing or two, i won't tolerate hearing that OOC drama is brought into open chat. got RL issues? RL drama? suck it up and leave it out of open/main chat or take it to im's. it has no place in open/main chat and kills the general RP mood. i don't wanna hear any complaints about OOC drama in open/main chat from this point on. this is something i won't hesitate to ban for.
2. excessive misbehavior - want to know when your kid character is crossing the line?
A. when your behavior becomes the center of RP and steals the school staff's attention off the other kids.
B. when all other RP at the school comes to a halt because of your behavior.
and finally, C. when a cop/security guard has to be called in. we decided cops would be called in to handle any kids that pull the school staff's attention of all the other kids, so if you get a cop called in it's a sign that you need to tone down the behavior.
the staff at the school expects kids to misbehave, especially kids living lives like the ones in the den do. but we need to be realistic and draw the line somewhere. don't ruin everyon else's rp.