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Hathian General Hospital

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SugarNspice String Chart 8/23/17

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of InfinityOfGlass Resident infinityofglass resident 7 years, 6 months ago.

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infinityofglass resident


((Fun times, browser refused to load the roster page, chart system did nothing after typing the patient's name on /15. Leon's first day went as well as expected. c8 So I guess I'll just put it here. Note: I've never even seen the chart system so idk what all info it needs or how it works. Her user had to leave soon so the scene was a bit rushed, therefore didn't ask for age or blood type.))


SugarNspice String


Was attended to 8/23/17 20:42 by nurse Leon (InfinityOfGlass Resident)

Lacerations (fairly shallow, not needing sutures) on skin from assault by a sword-wielding captor, chafed skin on wrists from captor's cuffs. Patient was given topical antibiotic ointment applied to the affected areas, and advised to rest while a physician was notified for possible tetanus vaccine.

Patient showed signs of physical and emotional trauma, apprehensive and anxious when explaining what had happened - understandable considering the trauma she had just endured. Several lacerations on skin in various areas from a blade, skin on wrist chafed raw from civilian handcuffs. Triage report indicates that she was molested by her captor as well. Thankfully, the captor has allegedly been taken into custody.

Nurse-Recommended Treatment: Tetanus vaccine (the quality of metal in the sword blade and cuffs cannot be determined at this time), dressing of the wounds once allowed to dry, STD panel, pain medications, non-narcotic sleep aids since trauma can lead to insomnia, support and counseling for victims of assault.



August 23, 2017 at 8:50 pm
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